93 College Students Will Graduate On Thursday
93 Bermuda College students will graduate on Thursday [May 19] receiving their associate degrees, diplomas or certificates under the big tent on the College’s athletic field, marking the first time that the annual Commencement ceremony will be held in person since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
Nearly half of the Class of 2022 will be graduating with honours, earning either merit [GPA 3.0 – 3.49] or distinction [GPA 3.5 – 4.0].
College President, Dr. Duranda Greene said “that despite the challenges of the last two years these graduates have persevered to make it to this milestone. Kudos to each of them! Our graduation numbers are slightly higher than last year’s and we’re also celebrating a few milestones.
“We have our first graduate from our Associate in Science [Pre-Med] who is a dual enrolment student. We have a 16-year old dual enrolment student graduating with his Associate in Actuarial Science who will be transferring with advanced standing to St. John’s University. And then there is the non-traditional student who has fought incredible odds to stay on track to receive her associate in nursing degree.
“These are just a few of the inspiring stories in the Class of 2022. Their success and that of all our graduates is a strong testament to the dedication of our faculty and staff who have worked with the students to get them to this day. This Commencement just would not have been possible without them.”
A spokesperson said, “The Associate of Arts [Business Administration] programme has produced 22 graduates, once again dominating the associate degree programmes. Seven graduates are dual enrolment students who will be awarded associate degrees or certificates, prior to receiving their high school graduation certificates in June.
“Six students will be graduated from the Mount Saint Vincent Bachelors in Business Administration programme; three will be graduated from Miami University’s Master’s programme in Special Education.
“The 2022 Commencement speaker is Ms. Kristin White, writer, entrepreneur and a founding member of Social Justice Bermuda. Ms. Soleil Graham, Associate of Science [Pre-Med], is the Graduate Speaker for the Class of 2022. The ceremony will be livestreamed on CITV beginning at 2:30 p.m. Visit the College website at www.college.bm for details.”
Isn’t the Ceremony TODAY Bernews ?!? I’m sure it’s Wednesday, 18th May – not Thursday, 19th May (https://www.college.bm/index.php/commencement-info )
Morning, it is on Thursday, it’s what the College said, and we just double checked with the College to be sure, plus they also state Thursday on their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBermudaCollege/videos/423145165909254/
There is an award ceremony the night before the graduation for students who, well, have won awards. It’s the night before so as not to prolong the graduation ceremony and to properly honour those students.