CAA Welcomes Govt’s Gender Affairs Council

October 3, 2022

The Centre Against Abuse [CAA] said they are “pleased to learn of the Government’s plan to establish a Gender Affairs Council under the direction of the Hon. Tinee Furbert, Minister for Social Development and Seniors.”

The Executive Director, Laurie Shiell stated, “CAA has lobbied Ministers for close to a decade to implement a Gender Affairs unit within government. We are extremely pleased that Minister Furbert listened to our requests, reviewed our research and supported our petition. We know this Council will transform lives in Bermuda.”

“Talks on establishing gender affairs as a government directive began as far back as 2011, under the former Director of Human Affairs, Deborah Blakeney, and Policy Analyst, Jane Brett. We want to acknowledge and thank these women, who laid the foundation for the Gender Affairs Council that Minister Tinee is now implementing.”

Ms Shiell added, “This announcement provides an excellent launch for Domestic Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month held globally in October. This October also marks the 40th year anniversary of the establishment of CEDAW [Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women], which protects and promotes women’s human rights globally. Bermuda signed on to this United Nations Convention in 2017, and it is our hope that the Gender Affairs Council will oversee CEDAW for Bermuda.

“CAA is hopeful that the Gender Affairs Council will:

  • Oversee and ensure compliance with CEDAW in Bermuda and;
  • Promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 to achieve gender equality and;
  • Establish policies, programmes, and projects that promote gender equity and gender justice that also includes adult male and female victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault

“CAA is excited and eager to work with and support the Gender Affairs Council to establish a Bermuda that has gender parity.”

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  1. Lion Paw says:

    Congratulations to all parties involved for your perseverance and dedication.