‘Resilient Entrepreneurs’ Season 2 Released

January 17, 2023

Bermuda’s entrepreneurs are being featured alongside business founders from around the world in the Resilient Entrepreneurs with Two Four One podcast, designed and hosted by two Bermudian women, with season two now available.

A spokesperson said, “The podcast, Resilient Entrepreneurs with Two Four One, can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google with the purpose to inspire and uplift business owners at any stage of business growth.

“Entrepreneurial duo Vicki Abraham and Laura Bell produced the podcast to meet a need in the community.”

Ms Bell said, “So many business owners that we meet say that they feel like they’re alone and it’s not unusual for people to second-guess themselves, especially solopreneurs in the early stage of their business. We thought it would help people to hear from other successful entrepreneurs, to know that they had similar feelings, and to hear what they did to strengthen their resilience.”

Resilient Entrepreneur Podcast Bermuda Jan 2023

The spokesperson said, “Season 1 of Resilient Entrepreneurs showcased ten Bermuda business owners and eight from other countries including Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Local entrepreneurs included Rose Zuill, co-founder of DavidRose Studio, a leading luxury jewelry brand.

“Mrs Zuill spoke about how her business navigated the pandemic and shared memories from a decade ago when DavidRose first started.”

Mrs Zuill said, “The heaviest decision was when to quit my full time job that paid me quite well, and what to do about health insurance. I had to ask myself ‘Is this the plunge you’re willing to take?’ You have to sit down and be honest with yourself and ask is your business viable? Are you making money? Are you able to cover your overhead, all your living expenses, as well as pay yourself a little?” [Episode 03].

The spokesperson said, “Other local entrepreneurs featured were: Kidist ‘Pinky’ Emery, owner of the award-winning Salon Pink, a speaker and leadership mentor for team-based businesses [Episode 06], Coral Wells, crowned Woman of the Year and the Most Inspiring Woman in Information and Communications Technology [ICT] who founded the education charity Connectech [Episode 10], Michelle Viera who saved Soltrino & Fluid Fitness from closing in the pandemic [Episode 09], Giles Belfrage, owner of Accountancy Tamer, a tutor and accountant for small businesses [Episode 21], Sandra DeSilva, founder, CEO and Chief Software Architect of Nova Ltd who spoke on finding work-life balance [Episode 15], Michelle White, owner of Executemps Bda about how to find opportunities in business [Episode 13], Nico Bean, a 14-year-old artist and Instagram success [Episode 08], and hosts Laura Bell [Episode 01] and Vicki Abraham [Episode 02] each featured in an episode on resilience.

“Among the international guests were best-selling authors, award-winning specialists and consultants, international speakers and innovative entrepreneurs all sharing techniques and insights on how to thrive in business and build resilience.

“Season 2 of the podcast Resilient Entrepreneurs with Two Four One has just been released, kicking off with celebrity makeup artist Christina Flach, owner of Pretty Girl Makeup who also founded charities for sepsis awareness, stemming from a personal tragedy.”

Ms Bell said, “When we interview guests we focus on resilience because we believe that’s what keeps a small business alive. It’s the difference between building and growing, or quitting. We all have stories to tell about our entrepreneurial journey and we can all learn from each other. It’s our hope that if just one person feels more encouraged, less alone and keeps going, then this podcast did what we intended.”

The spokesperson said, “This is the second podcast from the marketing duo at Two Four One; their first was Level-Up Your Marketing, released in 2019 and both series are available on Apple, Google, Spotify and other popular podcast apps, and can be found on their website www.twofouronetraining.com.”

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