Road Closure For Demolition Of Stacks Tower

March 22, 2023

The Ministry of Public Works is informing the public that BELCO will be commencing with the demolition of the eastern stack tower.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Public Works wishes to inform the motoring public that BELCO will be commencing with the demolition of the eastern stack tower. For the safety of the public, Cemetery Road will be closed between the Eco Pest and Gorham’s Lumber yard driveway.

“The traveling public will be able to visit Eco Pest Ltd. via Cemetery Road coming off of Serpentine Road only. The traveling public wanting to visit the Gorham’s Lumber yard will be able to use Cemetery Road via St John’s Road only.

“The road closure on Cemetery Road shall commence on Saturday, March 25th, 2023 for approximately four hours, weather permitting. Alternate rain days are Sunday, March 26, Tuesday, March 28, or Saturday, April 1, 2023, or as weather permits.

“Traffic controls will be under the direction of Manafort Brothers representatives and will be managed through traffic control barricades and detour signs.

“The Ministry of Public Works wishes to encourage the full cooperation of the public and apologizes for any inconvenience that may result.

“Should there be any questions regarding the road closure, please contact Ms. Sarah Sanchez, Project Engineer of Manafort Brothers at 732-7350.”

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