Wedding Cakes, Moongates, Roses, Treefrogs

March 4, 2023

Bermuda onion wedding cakes, onion moongates, coral reef roses, and onions and treefrogs reacting to the 2023 Budget are featured in the latest group of virtual art galleries on our network site, with the recently launched series creatively highlighting various aspects of Bermudian culture and heritage.

Wedding Cake, Moongates, Roses, Treefrogs GIF

The fourth month of galleries feature an onion pink wedding cake, onion moongates, coral reef roses, and onions and treefrogs reacting to the 2023 budget. You can view Facebook highlights below and all the virtual art photo galleries here on

Bermuda Onion Pink Wedding Cake: View the full gallery here on

Bermuda Onion Moongates: View the full gallery here on

Coral Reef Roses: View the full gallery here on

Onions & Treefrogs React To Budget: View the full gallery here on

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