Climate Wise Appoints New Managing Director

April 22, 2023

Bermuda-based Climate Wise has announced the appointment of Justyn Branton as Managing Director.

A spokesperson said, “The organization, founded in 2020, was created to provide support to individuals and companies, assisting to compute their carbon footprints; share tips and solutions via the Climate Wise app, podcast, and publications to create reduction plans and reduce their footprint; and to offset any residual footprint by supporting carefully selected projects globally.

“The company has developed its offering and provides consulting solutions to businesses looking to centralise processes, procedures and reporting around their environmental, social, and governance work, as well as their corporate social responsibility work, assisting with a number of globally recognized accreditations as organisations develop solutions in these critical areas.”

Mr. Branton said, “By working alongside companies to understand their current exposure, helping them develop a multi-year carbon reduction plan, and then assisting them identify internal and external projects which can be supported to help them achieve carbon neutrality whilst on their journey to net zero, Climate Wise has designed its three-stage approach to net zero, which is perfect for companies of all sizes who do not have an in-house full-time function in this area.”

The spokesperson said, The company is based in Bermuda, with charitable arms in the UK and US, and is supporting local and global businesses.”

Stephen Castree, a fellow founder and director, said, ‘Climate Wise also works with companies to design their ESG/CSR reporting so that with clearly defined procedures and a repeatable plan and support on delivery, they can create a solution for their path to net zero without negatively impacting peoples work time unduly, whilst maximizing their environmental impact.”

The spokesperson said, “As well as working in conjunction with global projects, Climate Wise also operates at the grass roots level, by putting projects on the ground. In Bermuda, the Bermuda Seagrass Project has been a collaboration between industry, the Government of Bermuda, and individual donors. This project itself is a research based and environmental project as opposed to one which is purely carbon focus.

“This week Climate Wise announced, in partnership with Imire, a wildlife conservation organization based in Zimbabwe, a re-forestation project which takes previously cleared forest areas of Zimbabwe set within a protected area and re-creates a natural indigenous protected forestry environment within which flora, fauna and wildlife can recover and thrive.

“The initial 37-acre site is being re-wilded and then managed carefully until it is safe for the elephants, rhino, giraffe, and other native wildlife to enter the site. This is the latest example of a new project supported by companies to complement their internal reduction plans with external projects, and it delivers a major environmental improvement, coupled with the benefits of carbon reduction. Climate Wise has plans in place to complete further re-wilding projects in the UK and Canada.

“As Climate Wise continues to grow, so Branton is keen to drive it to ever more meaningful projects that serve multiple functions from carbon sequestration, to increasing habitat biodiversity, education and eco-tourism opportunities for local communities.

“As companies choose to compute, reduce and offset, so more of these projects can be funded and turning back the clock on climate change and habitat destruction can become a reality.

“To find out more on how your business can join the fight against climate change and to develop the path to net zero, contact Climate Wise at“.

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Mr. Branton, congratulations. Please answer the following questions:

    Quiz Question 1: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    I am one of the most highly regarded climate scientists working today. The winner of many awards who invented the debunked Hockey Stick graph made famous by Al Gore that “proved” AGW. I also twice falsely claimed in US Federal Court to be a Nobel Laureate by winning the 2007 Noble Peace Prize. Who am I?

    Quiz Question 2: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    According to NASA and expressed as a percentage, how certain is NASA on ranking “hottest year” claims and why?

    Quiz Question 3: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Why can’t NOAA, NASA, the IPCC, and the USGCRP agree on one definition of “climate change?”

    Quiz Question 4: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Use Green Outcome Based Math to solve: Expressed as a percentage, what is 75 divided by 10,257?

    10 extra points will be added to your score for participating. Thank you.