Free Health Screening At Ocean Rock On April 29

April 26, 2023

Ocean Rock Wellness is hosting an event in support of the #5ADay Campaign launched by Bermuda Is Love.

A spokesperson said, “This campaign encouraged our community to get in 5 servings of fruits or veggies everyday for the month of April!

“With a full schedule of events this month, it is a privilege to be a part of this campaign to help our community live a healthier lifestyle.

“Did you participate? Well, it isn’t too late to join in.

“Join us on Saturday, April 29th from 10 AM – 1 PM at Ocean Rock Wellness for a Free Health Screening.

“Ocean Rock Wellness is located on the second floor of Charities House, 25 Point Finger Rd. in Paget.

Free Health Screening April 29, 2023

“What can you expect?

  • Free body composition assessment
  • Professional advice based on your results
  • Everyone is welcome!

“At Ocean Rock Wellness the practitioners regularly ask clients to step on the InBody body composition scale. This scale is much more than just one number.

“It provides specific metabolic bio markers that tell us what your health risks are by reveling where you’re holding your muscle mass and fat mass. Most scales measure your weight [in pounds] which can fluctuate based on what you ate, a female’s cycle, what time of day you step on the scale, water retention, etc. By just examining someone’s weight in pounds, it is hard to determine if they are a picture of good health.

“If we just looked at a car and had to determine how well it ran, most would agree you need to look under the hood! Well, conducting a body composition assessment is like taking a look under the hood!

“The body composition assessment provides many bio-markers, so let’s dive into detail about a few.

1] Muscle Mass

“Our weight can fluctuate, but we won’t know if the changes are due to muscle or fat. Being able to track muscle mass and look at the percent of our body that is muscle is essential, especially as we age. In elderly, or those looking to lose weight, muscle mass is an important number to track. We want to preserve muscle mass to ensure an individual can maintain functional mobility and strength. Additionally, low muscle mass is correlated with higher fracture rates during falls and accidents. Muscle mass can be improved by tailoring an exercise regime to compliment your lifestyle. We can also look at muscle distribution and whether you have an imbalance on one side versus the other. This number allows us to track and adjust exercise, physiotherapy, and nutrition to build, maintain and optimize your muscle mass in a way that compliments your lifestyle.

2] Percent Body Fat [and distribution]

“We look at how much of your weight is body fat. Having a high percent of body fat can reduce mobility, increase pressure on joints and increase your risk of developing a chronic health condition. Furthermore, we look at where the fat is being distributed as we know certain areas of fat distribution, like around the waist, can be caused by certain hormones. We can therefore adjust nutrition, exercise and stress management regimes, and track the results. The ideal range for percent body fat differs for men and women, athletes and non-athletes. We can guide you to optimize and reduce your body fat percentage, and explain what range you should be in.

3] Minerals

“Bone mineral content is proportional to muscle content in the body. Minerals are crucial, especially for those who are aging and need to ensure optimal mineral intake [calcium, magnesium, potassium] to ensure bone health. It can therefore be a bio-marker for low mineral content, and we focus on nutrition and exercise to increase muscle mass. Particularly for women, low estrogen in post menopausal women is correlated with low bone density, so maintaining sufficient bone minerals is important.

“The InBody body composition analysis is covered by major medical insurance, but you do not have to be insured to participate in this Free Health Screening. Everyone is welcome. The scan only takes a few minutes, and then we will offer a brief review to make recommendations based on your results!

“We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 29th from 10 AM – 1 PM at Ocean Rock Wellness for a Free Health Screening.”

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