Photos: ‘Gold Bermudians’ Series Launched

April 4, 2023

Last Friday [March 31], the Department of Culture launched the documentary series, “Gold Bermudians”.

A Government spokesperson said, “The event took place at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI].

“As a reminder, the ‘Gold Bermudians’ short films highlight the accomplishments of Bermudians who have performed well on the international stage.

“The films feature the stories of:

  • Michael Frith – Film by Kyle Simmons
  • Lance Hayward – Film by Milton Reposo of Method Media
  • Clarence Hill – Film by Marq Rodriguez; and
  • Katura Horton-Perinchief – Film by Dion the Creative”

Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport Owen Darrell’s remarks:

Minister Darrell said, “Good evening to you all!

“I am absolutely thrilled to be here for the launch of one of our Ministry’s passion projects – the Gold Bermudians Film Series. As we all know, we are a country of creative, resourceful and resilient people.

“We have always punched above our weight, producing world class athletes, academics, artists, business leaders and world movers and shakers.

“Ours is a proud heritage. That’s why I am truly excited to join you in the launch of this latest initiative from the Department of Culture.

“This evening’s showcase tells the stories of some of our most talented Bermudians, and also highlights the incredible filmmaking talent in Bermuda.

“Each of these four short documentaries was written and produced by a different filmmaker, who was asked to capture the essence of their Gold Bermudian using their own brand of cinematic storytelling.

“Tonight, we will view the stories of:

  • Lance Hayward – Film by Milton Raposo of Method Media
  • Michael Frith – Film by Kyle Simmons
  • Clarence Hill – Film by Marq Rodriguez; and
  • Katura Horton-Perinchief – Film by Dion the Creative

“Each of their stories are distinctly different and chronicles the historical times of their lives.

“Through these short films, we will follow the journeys of these four individuals, and learn more about the paths they took to achieve success. And we’ll learn about the challenges and obstacles they faced and how they triumphed over adversity.

“Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have made this programme a reality.

“Certainly the entire team at the Department of Culture who have worked tirelessly on this project, especially cultural programme manager Ms. Catherine Hay.

“I would also like to thank Mr. Rashun Robinson for facilitating this evening’s Q&A with the filmmakers.

“Mr. Robinson is himself a Bermudian filmmaker and a stalwart advocate for the Bermuda filmmaking industry on the island.

“And the members of the Bermuda Youth Library’s Teen Advisory Board. These young people are a dedicated part of the Youth Library, creating youth focused programmes for young adults and are our ushers this evening. So thank you all.

“Finally, it’s important that we tell our own stories.

“It’s critical that we preserve and protect our stories.

“And it’s important that we ensure that our next generation learn about those who paved the way before them so that they can someday carry on this rich and unique legacy.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you all enjoy this evening’s films and discussions, and feel inspired by the accomplishments of our Gold Bermudians. Thank you.”

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