BCB Releases Training Team For ICC T20

May 12, 2023

The Executive of the Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] announced the selected training team for the ICC Americas T20 Regional Final in Bermuda from September 28 – October 8, 2023.

  1. Delray Rawlins #9 – Sussex CCC [Captain]
  2. Kamau Leverock #22 – Somerset Cricket Club/Handsworth Cricket Club
  3. Tre Manders #50 – Western Stars Sports Club
  4. Terryn Fray #4 – Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club
  5. Stefan Kelly #24 – St. David’s County Cricket Club
  6. Dominic Sabir #29 – Somerset Cricket Club
  7. Jacob Albertze #16 – Somerset Cricket Club
  8. Matthew Watson #15 – Somerset Cricket Club/CV Chargers
  9. Justin Pitcher #87 – St. David’s County Cricket Club
  10. Zeko Burgess #14 – St. George’s Cricket Club
  11. Sinclair Smith #19 – St. George’s Cricket Club [Wicket Keeper]
  12. Jarryd Richardson #23 – Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club/Cardiff Met Cricket Club [Wicket Keeper]
  13. Derrick Brangman #21 – St. David’s County Cricket Club
  14. Charles Trott #25 – St. George’s Cricket Club
  15. Malachi Jones #28 – Warwick Workmen’s Club
  16. Cejay Outerbridge #7 – St. David’s County Cricket Club
  17. Jabari Darrell #99 – Cleveland County Cricket Club

Coaching Staff

  1. Niraj Odedra – Head Coach
  2. Cal Waldron – Assistant Coach
  3. Courtney Trott – Manager
  4. Kenny Thompson – Fitness Training
  5. Bakari Simons – Osteopath

BCB Releases Training Team For ICC Americas T20 May 2023

Allan Douglas, BCB Chair of High Performance, said: “As Bermuda embarks upon this frontier changing adventure, I want to say that the BCB has made a great effort to put in place as many resources as possible to make this a success for cricket and our country.

“It’s incumbent of all the players, committee members, management team and support staff to give their all to reach this goal.

“I would like to encourage all that have been approached, selected and others that are seriously being considered, to recognize that Bermuda through the sport of cricket will be televised to millions of people around the world. Come along, enjoy the process, and commit to success for yourself first, family and country.”

“As we prepare for upcoming matches and journey to qualify for the World Cup, it would be extremely important for us to create stability in the team”, said National Team Coach, Niraj Odedra.

“With stability comes trust from players towards support staff and management. We have already identified players who will get us to the World Cup and our core of six or seven players is going to be the same as what we had during the Regional Qualifier in Argentina. I have said it in the past, and I am saying it again — to achieve something big we need to stay united and that applies to all of the players, staff, management, media and the people of Bermuda.”

Dwayne Leverock, Chairman of Selectors, added: “On behalf of the selectors, I would like to congratulate the players that have been selected for the Regional World Cup Final in Bermuda. In the next four months, during the domestic league season, the committee will also be keeping a watchful eye out for any other players that are deemed worthy of selection.”

Captain, Delray Rawlins, said: “I’m really looking forward to these next four months with this group. It’s an honour to lead them and I have a really strong feeling that something special is going to come out of this tournament.”

The spokesperson said, “Matches will be held between White Hill Field [Somerset Bridge Recreation Club] and the Bermuda National Sports Center [North Field]. For more information, merchandise sales and updates surrounding the tournament, follow the BCB on social media @bermudacricketboard or visit our website www.cricketbermuda.com.”

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