Govt Urges Motorists To Exercise Caution

May 24, 2023

The Ministry of Public Works is issuing an advisory to all motorists “in light of the heavy rainfall that has resulted in some damage to roads across the island.”

A Government spokesperson said, “We urge everyone to exercise utmost caution and adhere to road safety guidelines during the inclement weather.

“Our dedicated teams are working diligently to assess and address the damages as quickly as possible. However, until the necessary repairs are completed, it is crucial that drivers remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

“We kindly request all motorists to:

  • Reduce speed: Decrease your speed to adapt to the wet and slippery road conditions. This will allow you to maintain better control of your vehicle.
  • Increase following distance: Leave ample space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This extra distance will provide additional time to react to any sudden changes or potential hazards on the road.

“The Ministry is committed to swiftly addressing the road damages and ensuring the safety of all road users. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time.

“For updates on road conditions, please visit the Government of Bermuda news page or the Government of Bermuda social media channels. Stay safe and drive responsibly.”

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  1. Karen E Madeiros says:

    Pot holes on top of pot holes….the only way to avoid them is if you actually SEE them and go around them into the oncoming traffic…or run through them and wreak your vehicle…every 100 yards there is a serious dangerous hole! Our roads are awful, the holes, the unkept roadsides, street lights out….who’s working diligently again???

    • Toodle-oo says:

      If you can find 100 yards without problems I’d like to know where that stretch exists !
      Broke government that blew all the money and then borrowed more and blew that = roads that look like ours and excuses why they can’t fix them promptly.

  2. Paid off government , with burtcoin at the helm. says:

    Electric busses can’t even run on raining days! LMFAO! Another waste of tax payers money on “woke” initiatives that don’t make sense! The pot holes shouldn’t even be an issue but for the poor condition the roads are in under this PLP government has been in power. A stretch of road hasn’t been paved in years! Oh and don’t blame the road works cause this is happening in areas that don’t have road works going on. Incompetent people in charge as per usual

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Another waste of tax payers money on “woke” initiatives that don’t make sense!”

      I agree that the electric busses are a waste of money in Bermuda, but how is that “woke”?

  3. Smith Parish-Resident says:

    Collector’s Hill intersection has been horrible for months and the only action is filling up holes, leaving a very difficult road surface. No trenching happening at this intersection…. but yet nothing is done to improve the intersection. In a lot of areas across the island, the hazard is the road surface…Can we just fix it properly and repair the roadway Works and Engineering (and just not fix potholes)?

  4. Ringmaster says:

    Maybe instead of all those consultants, one of the worst has to be the husband of the AG paid $14k a month to provide legal advice, money should be spent on properly maintaining the roads, not just putting a skim of black top that breaks up.

  5. sandgrownan says:

    We all know why there are potholes. Shoddy work in repairing the previous potholes. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

    Perhaps old grumpy drawers could tell the long suffering motoring public when he’s going to hold the workmen accountable for half assed work.

    I’ll wait.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      If you live east of White Hill don’t hold your breath