Restoration Of Public Access To Achilles Bay

May 4, 2023

“We are committed to providing safe and accessible public spaces for all, and this project is just one of the many ways we are delivering on that promise. We look forward to seeing public access to Achilles Bay restored soon,” said Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch.

A Government spokesperson said, “Smith Hauling and Excavating, contracted by the Ministry, commenced repair works last week at the beach, opposite Fort St. Catherine in St. George’s, in a project scheduled to last around eleven weeks.

“The public will be aware that there was a temporary structure erected to ensure some level of access. That structure has been removed and the Ministry is looking to erect the permanent structure.

eastern staircase Achilles Bay Bermuda May 2023 (1)

“The Ministry selected the firm which submitted a bid in an open process that saw a list of contractors submit proposals. The task requires demolishing the existing deteriorated walkway structure and building new stairs with reinforced masonry and concrete.

“In addition to those works, stainless steel handrails will be added for extra stability and support for those accessing this beach.”

Minister Burch added: “Ideally, we would have liked to have the work completed before the start of the summer season.

eastern staircase Achilles Bay Bermuda May 2023 (2)

“However, Smith Hauling and Excavating’s involvement in a prior unrelated project meant their commencement of the Achilles Bay project had to be delayed.

“I know the public, especially residents of St George’s, will be pleased to hear this news following years of decay and storm damage which resulted in safety hazards for anyone looking to access this beach.”

The spokesperson said, “The project is estimated to cost nearly $117,000.”

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  1. puzzled says:

    Just 168 feet due south east is a multi million dollar establishment that ex colonel Burch frequents.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Just 168 feet due south east is a multi million dollar establishment that ex colonel Burch frequents.”

      Are you sure? That is east of White Hill.

  2. Reflections of? says:

    Who are ya trying to fool…committed to providing safe and accessable public spaces? That are has been neglected for well over a decade. That’s not commitement, that is neglect! It’s your job and the job of W&E to ensure that these spaces never get like this or are repaired quickly after a storm. You tore down the dock the the residents repaired with their own money as soon as you realized what happened. You arranged to tear down the restaurant that was being built at Shelley Bay and replaced it with nothing for the locals or tourists…and you want to pay you on the back because your ministry is going to fix something that has been neglected for so long. Do your job.