Students Reminded About Event In UK

May 5, 2023

The Government of Bermuda’s London Office is reminding Bermudian university students and recent graduates of the opportunity to participate in the upcoming ‘Bermuda Dinner and Dialogue’.

A spokesperson said, “The Premier, the Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP, will be in attendance at the event. Next week’s dinner will present a very unique opportunity to engage with young members of Bermuda’s diaspora in the UK. The dinner will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at a venue in Central London. We encourage students and recent graduates wishing to attend to email the London Office at the earliest opportunity.”

The spokesperson said, “Interested individuals can connect with the London Office by emailing:”

Bermuda Dinner and Dialogue May 2023

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  1. Jay says:

    Why waist our time?!

    • Toodle-oo says:

      You say ‘our time’ as though you’re a student over there.
      If so get someone to teach you the difference between ‘waste’ and ‘waist’.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “If so get someone to teach you the difference between ‘waste’ and ‘waist’.”

        Not everyone can graduation from Whitney Institute. Actually, no one can do so anymore. Pity.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Some have always viewed the London office engaging with Bermudian students in the U.K. as a waste of resources, but the fact of the matter is that it keeps Bermudian students in the U.K. engaged with the Government and more likely to return home at the end of their studies. This has been going on for decades, it is nothing new.