Appleby Achieves Planet Mark Certification

June 28, 2023

Appleby announced that it has achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification, “underlining the Group’s commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices.”

A spokesperson said, “The Planet Mark Business Certification is a recognised symbol of sustainability progress. It demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to measuring and reducing their carbon emissions, ultimately contributing to Appleby’s environmental, social and governance [ESG] capability.

“As a Planet Mark Certified Business, Appleby and its clients benefit from the assurance that the Group’s carbon footprint has been independently verified. Appleby will work with Planet Mark to achieve the Group’s ongoing commitment to reduce carbon emissions by at least 2.5% each year, by addressing areas such as energy consumption, waste and water usage.”

Appleby Group Managing Partner Malcolm Moller said: “We are delighted to have obtained the Planet Mark Business Certification, which represents a significant milestone in our sustainability journey. At Appleby, we recognise the importance of integrating sustainability into our business practices and, by achieving this certification, we have demonstrated our dedication to implementing sustainable initiatives and reducing our environmental impact in alignment with international standards.”

The spokesperson said, “Appleby’s sustainability efforts extend beyond solely reducing its carbon footprint. Across its international network of offices, the Group actively engages in community initiatives, supports charitable causes and advocates for responsible business practices. For more information on these efforts, please visit the Group’s Environment & Sustainability page on the website.”

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