Star Sailors Team To Train In Switzerland

June 6, 2023

Bermuda’s Star Sailors League team will return to Grandson, Switzerland this week to train for the 2nd edition of the Star Sailors League Gold Cup.

During the five days of training, the Team will be put through their paces by Australian sailing champion/racing coach Alex Gough, who is an experienced RC44 and TP52 sailor.

The Team will be led once again by Captain Rockal Evans, with returning team members Peter Dill, Will Lorimer-Turner, Somers Kempe, Thomas Penruddocke and Michael Wollmann joined by newcomers Ruairi Brown, Aran McKittrick, Megan Sherwin, and Jade Smith as they train on Lake Neuchatel in preparation for the 2024 qualifiers.

“The Team is keen to build on our previous experience from last year’s qualifiers where we narrowly missed out on the opportunity to compete in the 2023 Cup finals,” Evans said.

“The goal of the Team is not only to qualify for the next edition but also continue to pave the way for more young Bermudian sailors to aspire to compete at this level against the world’s best.”

“The Team would like to say a big thank you to Aspen Insurance as our title sponsor. Aspen’s continued support enables the team to compete on the world stage with a greater level of preparation than otherwise possible.”

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