FoodHub To Hold ‘Hiring Blitz’ On Fri & Sat

June 29, 2023

FoodHub will be hosting another Hiring Blitz at their new St. George’s location on King’s Square this Friday [June 30] and Saturday [July 1] from 10.00am to 6.00pm.

A spokesperson said, “We’re looking to hire Waiters, Bartenders, Dining Room / Catering Manager, Baristas, Cleaners and more.”

To learn more visit

FoodHub Hiring Blitz June 2023

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Comments (3)

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    What happened about the hiring blitz for the Southampton Princess? Silence and nothing about when the renovations will start. Lots of work permits will be needed, and little benefit to Bermuda.

  2. I want to work

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The Minister has promised that no work permits will be renewed or issued until every Bermudian in employed.

      How are you on underwriting reinsurance contracts or catastrophe modelling?