Government Welcomes UAE Delegation

June 26, 2023

The Government of Bermuda has welcomed a delegation from the United Arab Emirates [UAE].

A Government spokesperson said, “Leading the delegation is His Excellency [H.E.] Abdulaziz Alnuaimi, Assistant Undersecretary to the UAE Minister of Economy.

“H.E. Abdulaziz Alnuaimi is a senior government official with over a decade of international experience spanning the UAE, Brazil, Japan, the UK, and the US. As Assistant Undersecretary, H.E. Alnuaimi has led and advised strategic partnerships and alliances and unlocked UAE’s wealth by leveraging unconventional global expertise. His expertise at the intersection of sovereign wealth investment and private equity will provide valuable insights during this visit.

Premier and UAE Delegation Bermuda June 2023 (1)

“This visit by the UAE delegation comes in response to an invitation extended by Premier David Burt to the UAE Government to participate in this year’s Climate Summit.

“It underlines the Government of Bermuda’s commitment to diversifying our island’s economy, broadening economic investment opportunities, and fostering stronger relations with the UAE, and the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] countries recognising the potential for collaboration and mutual growth.

“The Government views this visit as an opportunity to forge stronger ties with the UAE and explore potential areas of collaboration, including renewable energy and the blue economy in advance of COP 28; infrastructure & tourism development; and expanding UAE engagement with Bermuda based insurers.”

Premier Burt said, “We are grateful to have this delegation from the United Arab Emirates, led by His Excellency Abdulaziz Alnuaimi, visit our shores. Their visit is an opportunity to strengthen the ties between Bermuda and the UAE.

Premier and UAE Delegation Bermuda June 2023 (2)

“The Government looks forward to the delegation’s presence at the Bermuda Climate Summit, including the keynote address from His Excellency, and productive meetings in which we will discuss areas where our two jurisdictions can work together.”

The spokesperson said, “H.E. Abdulaziz Alnuaimi will be delivering a keynote address at the upcoming Bermuda Climate Summit 2023 on the morning of Tuesday June 27th. The event underscores Bermuda’s commitment to climate resilience and sustainability, areas in which the Government is confident have the potential for collaboration and investment opportunities with the UAE.

“The delegation will also hold meetings with government Ministers, and private sector leaders on areas of mutual interest.”

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Can Premier Burt or anyone attending the “Climate Summit” answer the following questions?

    Quiz Question 1: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    I am one of the most highly regarded climate scientists working today. The winner of many awards who invented the debunked Hockey Stick graph made famous by Al Gore that “proved” AGW. I also twice falsely claimed in US Federal Court to be a Nobel Laureate by winning the 2007 Noble Peace Prize. Who am I?

    Quiz Question 2: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    According to NASA and expressed as a percentage, how certain is NASA on ranking “hottest year” claims and why?

    Quiz Question 3: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Why can’t NOAA, NASA, the IPCC, and the USGCRP agree on one definition of “climate change?”

    Quiz Question 4: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Use Green Outcome Based Math to solve: Expressed as a percentage, what is 75 divided by 10,257?

    10 extra points will be added to your score for participating. Thank you.

  2. trufth says:

    Caption over Blurt’s head: “I have no idea what you are saying. Do I want a fish sandwich for lunch or a burger?”