Harrington Sound Earns ‘Eco School’ Honour

June 18, 2023

Following hard work by the staff and students to keep the grounds litter free and work on various environmental and sustainability measures, the Harrington Sound Primary School [HSPS] has been recognised as an ‘Eco School’.

A spokesperson said, “The Harrington Sound Primary School [HSPS] is delighted to have been awarded the coveted recognition of an ‘Eco School’.

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“The school was awarded the ‘Green Flag’ in a special Assembly. Those in attendance included Mrs. Julie Steele, Education Director at BUEI and Ms. Jesse Bowers, Marketing & Communications Manager at BUEI.

“This award was the result of a year of focus on school grounds, health and wellbeing, food, climate change, litter, water conservation to name a few.

“Many of these areas were innate to the school, as they were items, that are done as a matter of course we have on campus the ‘Eco Warriors’, under the direction of Mrs. Carolyn Conway. These young people [age 6 to 10 years] ensure that the grounds are litter free and they push the message of the negative impact on our school community and the ocean of single use plastics.

“We have been fortunate enough to have participated in quite a few initiatives involving the promotion of sustainability and it is our hope to continue this message as the years progress.”

“Mrs. Cindy Weeks, the Ac Principal said that as a pure scientist herself, it brings joy to see children who are passionate about their environment and the overall state of their community and the community at large. She went on to say that it is her hope that this award sparks a further excitement and appreciation among the school community, which will encourage everyone to do their part to make HSPS and Bermuda a better place.”


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  1. Kim Smith says:

    Congratulations to Harrington Sound Primary for doing the work needed to achieve the honour of receiving the Eco Schools’ Green Flag Award… and to the educators there who provided the guidance and good examples.