Minister Of Health Kim Wilson Donates Blood

June 9, 2023

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to this important cause and applaud the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre for embracing inclusivity,” said Minister of Health Kim Wilson, after she visited the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital to donate blood today [June 9].

A Government spokesperson said, “The Minister took the initiative to demonstrate her support for the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre’s recent changes to blood donation rules, which marks an important milestone in ensuring Bermuda’s blood donation practices align with global benchmarks.

“The Bermuda Blood Donor Centre recently revised its regulations, allowing individuals like Minister Wilson, who resided in the United Kingdom and various parts of Europe several years ago, to participate in blood donation efforts actively.


“This change represents a significant stride forward in harmonising Bermuda’s blood donation protocols with other countries. It acknowledges the valuable contributions that these individuals can make to Bermuda’s blood supply.”

Minister Wilson added: “These revised rules not only recognise the changing demographics of our island but also bring us in line with international best practices. By expanding the pool of eligible donors, Bermuda can ensure a more robust and diverse blood supply, pivotal in saving lives during medical emergencies, surgeries, and treatments.”

The spokesperson said, “The Minister also recognised the remarkable efforts of the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre in updating its policies and expressed her gratitude to all blood donors in Bermuda who contribute to this life-saving cause.”

She emphasised the urgent need for continued support from the community, stating, “Blood donation is an act of generosity and compassion that can make a tangible difference in the lives of our fellow citizens. I encourage everyone eligible to join us in this collective effort to save lives and strengthen our community.”

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  1. Szekely says:

    Excess proceeds to be donated to the castle Dracul and or Dimitrescu….