Ministry: 61 Bus Runs Cancelled On Monday

June 26, 2023

[Updated] The Ministry released the list of bus cancellations for this morning [June 26] with the list indicating that there are twenty-one bus runs cancelled so far today.

Bermuda Bus Alert [AM] June 26, 2023

Update 4.10pm: The Ministry has released the list of bus cancellations for this afternoon. There were 21 runs cancelled this morning, 40 cancelled this afternoon, for a total of 61 cancelled today.

Bus Cancellations PM Bermuda June 26 2023

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Once again I ask: How many of these canceled bus routes are serviced by electric buses? Crickets..

  2. Ringmaster says:

    Or why are 61 runs cancelled? Do the drivers still get paid? Are the buses unusable, if so why, or is there a lack of drivers? No one will provide an answer of course, just like Burt refuses to comment on lack of progress of the SP renovations. 29 silent PLP MPs, just collecting a monthly paycheck before they are out of a job. I just wish IB would take them to task and refuse to play until they put on their big boy pants and do what they are paid to do, be a Government for the people, not themselves.

    • FACTS says:

      They’re for the PEOPLE now go run back and change the oba name to something else before you get beat down again next election. We both know that the party will split in the near future. You can either take this action now or after the next election.

      • tucker says:

        LOL…you sound like you have an emotional and educational handicap.

        Your anger and racism will shorten your already miserable life. LOL

      • Swan says:

        Basically the party is 25% losers and clowns but don’t tell them that. Just for the record I actually used to vote for the UBP and switched over for a breath of fresh air. In the end the party was worse. Racism is is deeply rooted in OBA and if 6 seats didn’t tell them anything wait until next election.

        • Toodle-oo says:

          And what’s that got to do with the bus cancellations , for which there is NEVER an explanation offered ?

          While you’re thinking of the answer to that please give some concrete evidence of all this racism in the OBA please.

          • Tucker says:

            He’s just a racist…that’s why every question asked is met with a racist response. He’s projecting. He’s a racist.

        • Tucker says:

          No, you’re mistaken. Racism is DEEPLY rooted in the PLP and their followers. The homophobia and xenophobia go hand in hand with your racist agenda.
          You’re on the wrong side of history, and it’s pathetic that you have to lie to further your racist agenda.
          You have no credibility, and deserve no respect.
          Stop being such a bigot.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Those 30 PLP MPs were elected by the majority of Bermudians who turned out to vote at the last election.

      Think what you will, but the result is the wish of the majority of Bermudians who voted.

  3. LOL - the real one says:

    Did you see all the fishing boats out today? ;-)