MP Dunkley On Emergency Service Levels

June 29, 2023

“It is totally unacceptable that the Premier and colleagues have put people at risk by cutting back emergency service,” OBA MP Michael Dunkley said, adding that “thankfully they have reinstated the coverage due to pressure from the Opposition and many emergency professionals. ”

Mr. Dunkley said, “The statement by the Minister of National Security is typical of a PLP Government that does not answer the questions raised and makes absurd comments in an attempt to shift the blame away from themselves.

“People are tired this type of politics, especially after a drawn out battle with covid, its restrictions and a tough economy.

“The Minister mentions “response times are within optimal expectations” but never explains what they are?

“The Minister fails to mention any increase in the time it takes for an ambulance to service a call in the west or east since the government-imposed cutbacks in ambulance service in those areas as of April 1st.

“The Minister fails to mention why the service in the west and east was restored to 24 hours/7 days a week this past Monday after being cut on April 1st.

“It is obvious that at night if an ambulance is not available to be dispatched from the Clearwater Station or the Port Royal Station for emergency calls the time it takes to attend to a call from the hospital and, if need be, transport a patient to KEMH, increases.

“This is an important aspect in patient care and one the Minister and Government seem to have overlooked or simply do not care in an effort to save money.

“It is totally unacceptable that the Premier and colleagues have put people at risk by cutting back emergency service.

“Thankfully they have reinstated the coverage due to pressure from the Opposition and many emergency professionals. “

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  1. watching says:

    So you are complaining because the reverted to the levels you wanted them to maintain?