Photos/Video/360: Gladys Morrell Nature Reserve

June 19, 2023

Take a ‘virtual visit’ to a nature reserve named after one of Bermuda’s National Heroes with the video, photos and 360° panoramas below providing a visual journey of the Gladys Morrell Nature Reserve in Sandys.

When announcing her as a National Hero back in 2015, the Government said, “Many will remember Gladys Morrell as one of the primary forces advocating for women’s voting rights in Bermuda for thirty years. Mrs. Morrell demonstrated tremendous courage, perseverance and fortitude in the face of serious challenges, “mountains” of obstacles and personal risk of imprisonment.

“This lady of stature also shone a spotlight on a number of other issues in the community at that time including the very high infant mortality rate. She was a co-founder of the Bermuda Welfare Society; which established Bermuda’s district nursing system. She was also concerned about environmental issues; hence the Morrell Nature Reserve named in her honour.”

In describing the land, the Bermuda Tourism Authority website said, “Owned and managed by the Bermuda National Trust, the Gladys Morrell Nature Reserve sits on the crest of a hill rising from Mangrove Bay Village in the West End. Walk around the reserve to spot a variety of endemic trees, including olivewood and cedar.

“The reserve is also a natural nesting area for Bermuda bluebirds. It was named for Gladys Carlyon deCourcy Morrell, a leader of the Bermuda Woman Suffrage Society who helped secure voting rights for Bermudian women in 1944.”

Bermuda’s other national heros are Dame Lois Browne-Evans, Dr. E.F. Gordon, Dr. Pauulu Kamarakafego, Sir Henry Tucker, Sir E.T. Richards, Sir John Swan and Mary Prince, who also has a park named after her, and you can take a ‘virtual visit’ to the Mary Prince Emancipation Park in Devonshire here.

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-1

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-2

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-4

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-9

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-10

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-11

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-12

Gladys Morrell Reserve west end of Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-23 (2)

Gladys Morrell Reserve west end of Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-23 (3)

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-25

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-26

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-27

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-17

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-18

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-19

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-21

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-22

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-24

Gladys Morrell Reserve west end of Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-23 (1)

Gladys Morrell Reserve west end of Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-23 (5)

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-13

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-14

Gladys Morrell Reserve Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-16

Gladys Morrell Reserve west end of Bermuda June 14 2023 DF-23 (4)

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