Regiment Preparing For Hurricane Season

June 20, 2023

Soldiers have been swapping rifles for chainsaws as the Royal Bermuda Regiment ensures its readiness for relief work in the event of a hurricane.

A spokesperson said, “At least 100 people from the battalion – including command and logistics elements – can be expected to launch into action after a major storm but the number could double if the resources are needed.”

Major Duncan Simons, Officer Commanding B Company, which has primary responsibility in the RBR for providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief, said: “Across the Regiment, during the lead-in to hurricane season, there is a focus on delivering training that is specific to hurricane response.

“That means pulling out the chainsaws and making sure that everyone’s up-to-date on authorisation for use, covering medical lessons and ideally getting some training on safety around power lines and procedures for reporting downed lines.

“We also stood up the operations room – from where we control the soldiers on the ground during hurricanes. We get everyone familiar with that and the procedures for rolling out of camp.”

Royal Bermuda Regiment June 2023 (1)

The spokesperson said, “During a hurricane, the Regiment typically runs four Immediate Response Teams each with up to 20 members.”

“We almost always pre-embody, so we mobilise ahead of time,” Maj Simons said.

“We’ll sit out the storm in Warwick Camp and another group will go down to the fire station in St David’s so that there’s a team over the bridge in case the Causeway’s washed out.”

The spokesperson said, “The Coast Guard also sends a boat to the East End to ensure a transport link.”

Maj Simons said: “We are typically the first people on the ground after a hurricane, so once winds subside below hurricane force strength and we’re in the tropical storm force window, we’re already on the ground conducting initial surveys.

“Very quickly thereafter, depending on the conditions, we will be on the road starting the process of clearing one lane of traffic on all the primary arteries leading to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

“Once that is done we move to clear both lanes, then we focus on key buildings, depending on damage.”

Royal Bermuda Regiment June 2023 (2)

He added: “Soldiers take great pride in being able to be there for their country.

“Bermuda is an isolated place, there are no external resources that we can call upon that will be on the island in a short to medium period of time.

“Soldiers, and I think Bermudians in general, realise there is huge value to having a Regiment that can surge 200 to 300 people after a hurricane, or for any event, if needed.”

The spokesperson said, “The RBR is calling on residents to enlist by the end of June, ahead of a Recruit Camp from July 9 to 21, and even these people could be on standby to help if the island is impacted by a major storm this season.

“A recent training weekend allowed members of A Company, which is usually focused on the RBR’s defence role, to learn more about what is expected of them as they work with B Company if a hurricane hits.

“The camp was also a chance to develop relations after an injection of newer soldiers joined the ranks from Training Wing last month.”

Royal Bermuda Regiment June 2023 (3)

Major Kenji Bean, Officer Commanding A Company, said: “They are fresh into it and I think this was probably the first time they were really able to come and get connected with us.”

He highlighted the camaraderie felt by Regiment soldiers.

“You will connect and meet up with people here that you may have never had the opportunity or need to connect with outside of this unit,” Maj Bean said.

“You go through experiences together that only you guys can really talk about, and move through life together.

“There are overseas experiences, operational experiences – whether it’s a hurricane or the Covid operation; we recently joined in the Coronation celebration in the UK.”

Maj Bean, who is a senior merchant specialist with Global Payments Bermuda in his civilian life, added: “You definitely build friendships and you learn different life skills that you would otherwise have no reason to learn or no way of learning on your own.”

The spokesperson said, “Residents are invited to join the Royal Bermuda Regiment by the end of June to take part in the next Recruit Camp, from July 9 to 21. For more information or to enlist, visit or call 238-1045.”

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