Xtreme Sports Fun Zone To Permanently Close

June 13, 2023

Saying that it is “no longer financially feasible for us to continue operating,” Xtreme Sports Fun Zone in St David’s will permanently close its doors on September 3rd, with the company noting that “the closure of Fun Zone will not affect the operations of Xtreme Sports Ltd., which consists of rentals, team building and event management. ”

A spokesperson said, “We would like to inform our customers that Xtreme Sports Fun Zone will permanently close its doors on September 3, 2023. Unfortunately, due to the continuous rise in operating costs, it is no longer financially feasible for us to continue operating.

“Over our years in business, we’ve had many loyal customers and provided many memorable experiences for people of all ages, which we are extremely proud of. We would like to express our immense gratitude for your support, despite it being a pandemic during two years of our three and half years in operation. Thank you all very much and we look forward to serving you from now until September 3rd!

“As we’re closing, we would like to encourage all our customers to take advantage of our closing deals and specials which will be in effect from now until September 3rd. All deals and specials can be viewed at www.xtremesportsbmd.com/funzone.

“Please note the closure of Fun Zone will not affect the operations of Xtreme Sports Ltd., which consists of rentals, team building and event management. The Xtreme Sports rentals service line will continue to operate as normal up until and beyond the September 3rd closure date.

“Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to serving you soon! If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@xtremesportsbmd.com or 441-232-2185.”

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  1. Chester says:

    Sad to see. I must say though, even though it was a GREAT idea. I feel like this place could have did better advertising or marketing. No one really knew about this place other than friends and family of the owners and those in their social circle who can seee their social media posts. Alot of families didnt even know this place existed. They could have did better with their advertising for sure. People travel all the way to dockyard with their kids for fun, they will drive st davids. My whole office had no clue this place existed and are sad their kids never got to experience it. GOOD marketing and advertising can go a long way. More sponsored posts on IG to reach the masses, facebook, newspaper advertising will go a long way.