Rugby Unions Appoint First Female Presidents

July 8, 2023

Two historic appointments have been made within the local rugby community, as Gemma Godfrey has been elected as the President of the Bermuda Rugby Football Union [BRFU] becoming the first woman to hold the post since the BRFU’s formation in 1964, and Gillian Cross has been appointed as the President of the Teachers Rugby Football Club [TRFC], also marking the first time a woman has held the position.

A spokesperson said, “There’s a new President at the helm of the Bermuda Rugby Football Union [BRFU] and her name is Gemma Godfrey. The first woman to hold the post of President since the Union’s formation in 1964, Ms. Godfrey has served on the BRFU committee for several years, most recently holding the title of Vice President. Ms. Godfrey was elected to the position of President at the BRFU’s Annual General Meeting, on June 27th.

“Ms. Godfrey, discovered rugby after moving to Bermuda in 2012. As a keen martial artist and boxer, she jumped right into contact, as a notable member of the Women’s National Team. After suffering a knee injury during a tournament in Mexico, Ms. Godfrey was unable to play for an extended period. It was during this time that she shifted her focus from the physical side of the game to the administrative side.”

Gemma Godfrey BRFU Rugby July 2023

She said, “I’m excited to step into this new role, to continue to build on the efforts of my long-standing predecessor, Sean Field-Lament, who has served on the executive for 12 years and has dedicated over 38 years to Bermuda Rugby. I’d like to thank Sean for his unparalleled commitment and service to the game.

“The rugby community in Bermuda is incredible. Through the efforts of its dedicated and unrelenting volunteer base, rugby provides opportunities for individuals of every ability and interest to come and try the sport, whether that’s through our local clubs, youth programmes, high school and middle school leagues, as well as our player development pathways.

“As with many sports in Bermuda, rebuilding participation has been a key focus for us since covid, but I am confident that with the support of the newly-elected executive and officers, we are in a strong position to grow the game significantly and sustainably for the future – so that our future young athletes enjoy the camaraderie and unifying spirit that rugby’s core values offer.” remarked Ms. Godfrey.

The spokesperson said, “The history making continued at Teachers Rugby Football Club’s [TRFC] Annual General Meeting, with the appointment of Gillian Cross as Club President, on June 29th. Mrs. Cross is the first woman to hold the position of President since the club was established in 1961.

“Joining the club towards the end of the 2012-2013 season Gillian was bitten by the rugby bug and signed up for the National Women’s contact team in March 2014. She fell in love with the game, the comradery, the culture and has been a constant fixture in both the domestic touch league and the national contact league, representing as captain locally with Teachers and Internationally with the contact team.

“Rugby has truly become a family affair where she is concerned. Her daughters Corrie, and Sarah have followed in her footsteps and joined the sport. Her husband Corey can often be found volunteering as an assistant referee, he also served as Secretary of the BRFU for a short period and now acts as the Compliance Officer for the Union.

“With all four family members actively involved in rugby, their household has become a hub of excitement, discussion and shared experiences related to the sport. Off the pitch, Mrs. Cross has also served on the BRFU executive committee, filling the position of Women’s Rep, providing a strong voice in support of the women’s league.”

Of her new appointment, Mrs. Cross remarked, “As the new president, I am committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all members. Our club is built on the passion and dedication of our players, coaches, volunteers, and supporters. Together we will continue to nurture talent, develop skills, and provide opportunities for growth, not only within our club but also within the wider rugby community.

“I extend my sincere appreciation to the outgoing President Mr. Brian Desmond, who served as president for the past 6 years, and to the previous presidents and committee members for their dedication and hard work in bringing the club to where it is today. Their contributions have laid a solid foundation upon which we will build an even stronger future.

The spokesperson said, “With international tournaments ongoing until November, and the resumption of the domestic leagues in the fall, we look forward to seeing what the coming year has in store for Bermuda Rugby.”

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