Column: “The Priority Is Economic Growth”

July 6, 2023

[Opinion column written by PLP MP Anthony Richardson]

The Progressive Labour Party Government is building a diversified and sustainable economy that will enhance the quality of life for Bermuda’s residents.

The priority is economic growth. Economic growth provides hope.

During the Take Note Motion on the Bermuda Economic Development Strategy 2023-2027 in the House of Assembly on Friday June 30th, Minister Hayward stated, ” Our goal is to focus on the investment and policies needed to spur economic growth essential to getting Bermudians back to work, restoring hope, sparking entrepreneurship and innovation and building a more prosperous Bermuda that provides opportunities for ALL Bermudians while creating wealth for the future.”

The Economic Development Strategy provides a strategic framework that will guide Bermuda to sustainable economic growth and development. The Strategy builds on the work of the Economic Recovery Plan produced in 2021 as a response to the economic downturn caused by the global pandemic.

The Strategy received unanimous support from the PLP and OBA MPs during the debate and has also received support from the Bermuda business community, who participated in the development of the strategy.

Every resident can read the full document by using the link below or reading the updates from the Ministry of Labour and Economy:

The strategy contains five [5] strategic priorities and initiatives that will provide direction and drive sustainable economic expansion leading to business development, the growth of our workforce and job opportunities for the people of Bermuda.

The strategic initiatives are:

  1. Local and International Business Retention and Expansion
  2. Business Attraction and Investment Promotion
  3. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
  4. Continued Execution of the Economic Recovery Plan
  5. People.

These initiatives are designed to support and encourage Bermudians to remain competitive in the labour market. They will provide an environment for a high-quality workforce and improve the ability of Bermudians to participate in the local economy. The specific actions will chart the path for Bermuda’s economic prosperity.

We invite you to join the PLP Government in preparing for the future in our plans to further develop and support an informed, skilled, and connected talent pool for Bermuda’s labour force.

Bermuda, your PLP Government has a record to be proud of; promises made,promises kept. Let’s continue to work together as we guide Bermuda to sustainable economic growth and development that will benefit everyone.

- MP Anthony Richardson, Constituency 7 – Hamilton South

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  1. what says:

    Well I read it, and it really is a framework for a plan and not even a plan, i.e. just the bones…. there is no meat or content. This as it is does very little to nothing.

  2. Ringmaster says:

    The usual BS from the PLP, who have been in power since 1998. They were even effectively in power between 2012 and 2017, disrupting anything the OBA tried to do, aided and abetted by Crockwell and Pettingill.

    All they can come up with are “plans” to do something, anything. Never “we will do this by”. Now we have Burt spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on Middle Eastern advice from a person who has questionable connections to the PLP over the years. If questioned, it is mischievous, or petty politicking, or met with silence. Bermuda has been taken to the cleaners by this bunch, but it seems not enough people care or understand.

    • Hey says:

      Sherry J, Rev. Tweed, People’s Campaign, and the Union put the PLP back in at the last election.
      Their atrocious record wouldn’t put them back in unless it was racially charged.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    More pablum for the masses to lap up.

    They will.