Cost Of Living Commission Appointments

July 20, 2023

Sabrina Phillips Bermuda July 2023Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Reform Kathy Lynn Simmons, the Minister responsible for Consumer Affairs, announced the appointments to the Cost of Living Commission for 2023-2024.

Minister Kathy Lynn Simmons stated, “Reducing the cost of living remains a major priority for the Government. As specified in the Cost of Living Commission Act 1974, the Commission is entrusted with functions conferred upon them by this Act or other statutory provisions.

“Amendments were made to the Act last year to allow the Government to declare the commodities, recommended by the Commission, as essential. The Cost of Living [Essential Commodities] Regulations 2022 solidified the effort to smooth out the fluctuations in prices, and ultimately aid Bermuda residents.”

Minister Simmons added, “The Commission will consist of a Chairman and a minimum of seven to a maximum of twelve other members, all appointed by the Minister. Each member serves a one-year term.

“The new term commenced on June 12, 2023. I extend my gratitude to the former Chairman, Honorable Derrick Burgess, and the former Cost of Living Commission members for their dedicated service.”

The spokesperson said, “The newly appointed Commissioners are:

  • 1. Chairman – Mrs. Sabrina Phillips [pictured]
  • 2. Mr. Peter Sousa
  • 3. Mr. Ed Ball
  • 4. Ms. Lauren Bell
  • 5. Mr. Anthony Santucci
  • 6. Senator Rev. Emilygail Dill
  • 7. Rev. Nicholas Tweed
  • 8. Mr. Warren Jones
  • 9. Mr. Marico Thomas
  • 10. Ex-Officio – Department of Consumer Affairs Representative
  • 11. Ex-Officio – Department of Statistics Representative

A spokesperson added, “The Cost of Living [Essential Commodities] Amendment Act 2022 mandates that business undertakings selling essential commodities use electronic means to provide the Commission with information on the prices of these goods. The amended Act allows the Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Reform to make an Order as to what commodities will be deemed essential under Section 10E of the Act.

“This enables the Commission to inform the public efficiently and accurately about the prices of essential commodities that the various businesses offer. Furthermore, the Amendment strengthens the powers of the Chair of the Cost of Living Commission to request information from retailers, on the prices of essential commodities to assist the Commission.”

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    Any representatives from the major markets there. Any representatives from the major retailers there? Any representatives from a major real estate company dealing with rentals there?

    Nope. For the most part this is just another PLP committee with little direct knowledge of what they are supposed to be doing sitting around a table going yap,yap,yap.

  2. Steve says:

    Tweed got a position on the board? No way

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      I am sure that Rev. Genevieve’s appointment is subject to the usual work permit requirements for all non-Bermudians.

      • Ringmaster says:

        Oops, the PLP just showed if you know the right person…..

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The Cost of Living [Essential Commodities] Regulations 2022 solidified the effort to smooth out the fluctuations in prices”

    Price controls do not work to the benefit of a community. There are always adverse consequences. I guess that is why there is not one economist on the Commission. He or she might point out that simple fact.

  4. WillSee says:

    And just how much will the commssion memebers will be paid!
    Governement spending increases taxes and in turn prices.