First Town Hall Meeting On Climate Change Held

July 7, 2023

The Bermuda Red Cross, in partnership with QBE Foundation, held their first of three Town Hall Meetings last night [July 6] at St Paul’s AME Church Hall.

A spokesperson said, “The meeting was scheduled around Climate Change and its impact on our home, Bermuda. The presenter was Dr Mark Guishard and our partnership was thanks to generous donation of QBE Foundation.”

Climate Change Town Hall Meeting Bermuda June 2023 (1)

Disaster Manager of Bermuda Red Cross, Diane Gordon said, “Our first attempt to educate and inform our community to be prepared could be summed up as ‘quality vs quantity’ in attendance. Dr Guishard’s presentation, as always, was first class and those in attendance took a genuine interest and asked the right questions. We thank the community who attended and supported our cause and we encourage and urge others to attend either the East or West end sessions.”

Additional presentations:

  • Thursday, July 13, 2023, Penno’s Wharf, 5.30-7.00 pm, Presentation and light refreshments.
  • Tuesday, July 25, 2023, St James Church Hall, 6.00 pm-7.30 pm, presentation and light refreshments.

Climate Change Town Hall Meeting Bermuda June 2023 (2)

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Test your subject matter knowledge! Not even Mark with his Ph.D. in Meteorology will attempt to answer these questions. 10 extra points will be added to your score for participating. Correctly answering just one means that you are AWESOME! Go for it!

    Quiz Question 1: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    I am one of the most highly regarded climate scientists working today. The winner of many awards who invented the debunked Hockey Stick graph made famous by Al Gore that “proved” AGW. I also twice falsely claimed in US Federal Court to be a Nobel Laureate by winning the 2007 Noble Peace Prize. Who am I?

    Quiz Question 2: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    According to NASA and expressed as a percentage, how certain is NASA on ranking “hottest year” claims and why?

    Quiz Question 3: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Why can’t NOAA, NASA, the IPCC, and the USGCRP agree on one definition of “climate change?”

    Quiz Question 4: For 10 points, correctly answer:
    Use Green Outcome Based Math to solve: Expressed as a percentage, what is 75 divided by 10,257?

    Thank you.