June 2023: Top 10 Bernews Instagram Photos

July 2, 2023

During June 2023, the top 10 ‘most liked’ photos on the Bernews Instagram page included the Carnival In Bermuda ‘Jam’ J’Ouvert celebration, the unveiling of the Bermuda sign, the Royal Air Force’s visit, the You Go Girl race event in Hamilton, Taj Donville-Outerbridge winning awards in the UK, the $2.9 million drugs seized by the Police and Customs, the hiring of three attorneys of Marshall Diel & Myers, and Bermudian athletes at the Special Olympics in Berlin.

#1 – Carnival In Bermuda ‘Jam’ J’Ouvert Celebration

#2 – City Of Hamilton Unveils New Bermuda Sign

#3 – Carnival In Bermuda At City Hall

#4 – Royal Air Force At LF Wade Airport

#5 – “Potential Threat” Tropical Storm Cindy

#6 – You Go Girl Race In Hamilton

#7 – Taj Donville-Outerbridge Wins Awards In UK

#8 – $2.9 Million In Drugs Seized

#9 – Marshall Diel & Myers Continues To Grow

#10 – Bermudian Athletes Won Medals At Special Olympics In Berlin

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