24 Local Recruit Firefighters To Train In UK

July 23, 2023

24 local recruit firefighters are scheduled to travel to the U.K. next month to receive specialist training that will certify them as aircraft rescue firefighters, and “barring any unforeseen problems, the newly trained Fire Officers will replace the overseas consultant firefighters” in October,  Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said.

Speaking in the House of Assembly, the Minister said, “I rise to provide this Honourable House with an update on the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service Airport Operations Division and what we are doing to ensure that sufficient resources are in place to meet the increased airport requirements.

“I am pleased to report that we have advertised and recruited a further 24 local recruit firefighters. These new recruits are scheduled to travel to Newcastle in the U.K. on 05th August 2023 for six weeks to receive specialist training that will certify them as aircraft rescue firefighters.

“Barring any unforeseen problems, the newly trained Fire Officers will replace the overseas consultant firefighters on 1st October 2023,” the Minister said. “We currently have 16 overseas firefighters remaining in Bermuda who will fulfil their contracts until they are replaced on 1st October 2023. ”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, today I rise to provide this Honourable House with an update on the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service Airport Operations Division and what we are doing to ensure that sufficient resources are in place to meet the increased airport requirements.

Mr. Speaker, you will recall that I made a statement to this Honourable House on February 3rd 2023 advising of the revised requirements for the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service at the Airport and the commitment this Government made to resolve the emergency situation that faced the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service.

Mr. Speaker, as I have previously advised this Honorable House, the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service operates the Airport Rescue Firefighting Services section which provides aircraft rescue and firefighting services for the L.F. Wade International Airport. This is an essential service that enables the airport to serve commercial flights in accordance with international standards. You will recall, Mr Speaker, that I also advised of the increased staffing requirements at the airport in respect of the minimum duty strength and the need, in the short term, to bring in overseas firefighters to meet that revised requirement to ensure that airport operations continued uninterrupted. Clearly, we could not afford, as a Country, to jeapordise the operation of the airport, which is an essential component of our economic stability and long-term sustainability.

Mr. Speaker, it is important for me to underscore that the Airport Rescue Firefighting Services is a Retained Government Service as part of the airport project agreement between Skyport and the Bermuda Airport Authority. The Bermuda Airport Authority is responsible for providing the Retained Government Service and have transferred responsibility for the delivery of the Airport Rescue Firefighting Services to the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service by way of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2007, with an amendment in 2017. There is no fee paid by Skyport to the Bermuda Airport Authority or to the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service for this service.

Mr. Speaker, since my last statement to this Honourable House on this matter, I am pleased to report that we have advertised and recruited a further twenty-four [24] local recruit firefighters. These new recruits are scheduled to travel to Newcastle in the U.K. on 05th August 2023 for six weeks to receive specialist training that will certify them as aircraft rescue firefighters. The Newcastle International Fire Training Academy is a world-class aircraft rescue firefighting training facility with highly qualified instructors. During this training, our firefighters will be required to demonstrate competence in the following areas:

  • Saving and preserving endangered life at incidents
  • Extinguishing fires at aircraft incidents
  • Maintaining operational readiness of resources
  • Site and position Vehicles at an incident location
  • Implement action to resolve operational incidents
  • Contain and control spillage or release of hazardous material
  • Recognise airside hazards and minimise risks

On successful completion of their training, each recruit will be issued with a certificate of competence in line with *CAP 699 [*Standards for the competence of Rescue and Firefighting Service personnel, developed by the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority].

Mr Speaker, this recruitment drive represents the last phase of the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service’s emergency plan to rapidly expand and build the extra workforce capacity required to meet the new minimum staffing levels mandated by the Aerodrome Regulators. The Fire Services efforts to reach this stage was extraordinary because of the timings of similar recruitment drives taking place in the wider Ministry.

Mr Speaker, I met with the Chief Fire Officer and his Management team this week and I expressed our pleasure with the progress to date. Barring any unforeseen problems, the newly trained Fire Officers will replace the overseas consultant firefighters on 1st October 2023.

Mr. Speaker, not all jurisdictions hire raw recruits and train them for the Fire Service. Some will only hire trained and qualified firefighters. Bermuda, however, hires raw recruits and trains them to be firefighters. It typically takes 24 weeks for the foundation training and then there is further specialist training. With this particular cohort, the intent is to have them certified as aircraft rescue firefighters and subsequently, deployed at the airport to replace the remaining overseas firefighters by 1st October 2023.

Mr. Speaker, we currently have sixteen [16] overseas firefighters remaining in Bermuda who will fulfil their contracts until they are replaced on 1st October 2023. On a related note, I can advise that we are planning to fill a number of posts in the Service resulting from retirements and recent promotions. This will include the Assistant Chief Fire Officer’s post. Earlier this month, two senior level management positions were filled. This is in alignment with the Fire Services succession plan and Departmental objectives for 2023/24.

Mr. Speaker, we are committed to ensuring that there are sufficient resources at the airport to maintain operations. We are also committed to recruiting and retaining Bermudians in the Service in general. This essential service provides a challenging and rewarding career and I encourage people to apply to join.

Mr. Speaker, in closing, I hasten to remind this Honourable House that I made a commitment to this Country that we would replace the overseas firefighters at the airport with qualified Bermudians. This recruitment and overseas training of Bermudian firefighters will achieve that aim. This is another example of a promise made and promise kept.

Mr Speaker, I hasten to thank the women and men throughout the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service for their continued outstanding service to this Country, without which, our lifeline at the airport would not be able to function and operate.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  1. watching says:

    Well done!

  2. Aiesha Oliver says:

    Exactly how many fires have occurred in Bermuda to warrant this influx of foreign fire fighters that have taken up contracts, free housing and stipends that have displaced black Bermudians. How are regular black Bermudian firefighters training on ‘aircraft rescue?’ Are the firefighters fully fledged pilots now. Where are these ‘necessary’ fire planes…’down de airport?’ Trained up in 6 whole weeks? I doubt it. Must be an RAF op. So the scenario is a CONCRETE house on fire and an airplane will come from the UK to douse the fire? Why not just put some fire extinguishers on sale at Gorhams, have some of our own firefighters do ‘stop, drop and roll’ campaigns in schools and save black Bermudians the drama of the UK’s meddling mess. Next, they will be awarding ‘other’ badges like Curley. Look out, tarps disguised as PPE for hurricane season dispensed by the Royal Navy in Hamilton Harbor. Lord knows Bermudians can’t get through a ‘lil blow’ without their help. Who’s on Harbor radio these days? Viking or Capital FM?

    • Tucker says:

      You might have had a point, if you weren’t such a racist.
      Bermudians come in white as well.

      Grow up, bigot.

      • Aiesha Oliver says:

        Bermuda has been majority black for most of its existence. However, with a name like Tucker surely you understand how minority whites have had far too much control. It is their same bigoted attitudes that undermine black initiatives through obvious sabotage most Bermudians don’t speak up about for fear of retaliation. Tucker…what became of the Tucker’s Town land grabs? Just more noise that never helped blacks. But you would know about that now wouldn’t you Tucker…land votes, business votes, property value. Who owns what? What black Bermudian will they boycott next…We real, true black Bermudians should be very worried about the comings and goings of white and black foreigners with disguised interests.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Somebody got out the wrong side of her bed today…good grief, what an unhinged rant.

      Grow up.

      • Aiesha says:

        Considering this is about the wrong barracks they have forgotten what side to get up on.

        Unclear why they are even following UK standards for firefighting. Bermuda has different voltage so why are they so pressed to follow a failing UK guideline. More Cambridgelike Eton messes to drag us down that hole.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      You pose some very good questions, Ms Oliver. Perhaps you can ask the Minister responsible for the airport.

      The one thing I would say is that the extra firefighters were required to keep up with Bermuda’s international obligations. Why Bermuda was not prepared for that eventuality is another question you might want to ask.

      • Aiesha says:

        The government of Bermuda already employs statistians that collect and release data regarding Bermuda’s interests. This inquiry should also meet PATI criteria. In the interest of safety and reputable journalism, they should provide data regarding why this is necessary and who’s standards they are actually following. Seems prioritizing of the Bermudian’s needs is warranted here as is fiscal responsibility. There were no reported sharp increases in fires to warrant this overexpenditure of foreign firefighter contracts…are they planning to start fires to further displace Bermudians?

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          The firefighters were needed as a precautionary measure in order to meet international safety standards at the airport. The PLP Government did say that.

    • Question says:

      A dangerous, unhinged, vile racist. No more, no less.