DPT Release Updated School Bus Schedule

September 8, 2023 | 2 Comments

The Department of Public Transportation [DPT] has released an updated school bus schedule, which is effective Monday, September 11.

A Government spokesperson said, “The school schedule will be serviced by minibuses and DPT buses until the end of October. Starting 1 November, all school services will be provided by public buses. To review the schedule visit https://www.gov.bm/bus. DPT wishes Bermuda’s school students a successful year!”

The full School Bus Schedule follows below [PDF here]:

click here Bermuda bus service

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  1. Protect de wicket and de runs come says:

    So wait? I’m confused …the DPT and / or the minister has historically given notice about cancelled bus routes due to mechanical issues, driver shortages and so on the morning off? Now we are getting a schedule 3 days prior? Hmmm, so was their crystal ball in the shop? How can they predict what will happen on Monday? Unless of course, the problem is not the age of the buses, or lack of parts, or sick drivers? What could it possibly be?

  2. Steve says:

    Yep.DPT & Flip flop are a shambles.
    There will be no change with the crap the bus public have to deal with. Another good photo op for flip flop aka Miss Photogenic coming I’m sure

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