Cost Of Seven Trips By Premier David Burt

February 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Government Ministers travel webpage has been updated, providing information on seven trips taken last year by Premier David Burt in February, March, April, May and July.

Satoshi Roundtable Conference

The trip duration was listed as from February 2, 2023 – February 9, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP. MP., accompanied by a Government official, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Bermuda Monetary Authority, travelled to a Satoshi Roundtable Conference held in Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirates, during the period 1st – 9th February, 2023.

“The Satoshi Roundtable is an invite-only event, that has been held annually since 2014. The Premier and Minister of Finance received a personal invitation to this event, in recognition of Bermuda’s leadership in the fintech space. The event attracts leading thinkers, influencers and builders in the digital assets, blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

“The meetings at this event have led to additional companies moving to the application process for Digital Asset Business Licenses or participation in the BMA’s Innovation Hub.”


  • Air Travel: $5,770.69
  • Ground Transportation: $41.75
  • Accommodation: $918.82
  • Meals: $233.43
  • Miscellaneous: $91.38
  • Total costs: $7,056.07


Investopia Conference

The trip duration was listed as from February 28, 2023 – March 4, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP. MP., accompanied by a Government official, and the Chair of the Bermuda Public Funds Investment Committee, Mr. Barclay Simmons, travelled to the 2nd annual Investopia Conference held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, during the period 28th February – 4th March, 2023. This followed an invitation from H.E. Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri, the Minister of Economy for the United Arab Emirates [UAE].

“The Premier met with a number of representatives within the UAE, including the Minister of Economy, the Chair of Abu Dhabi Global Markets, H.E. Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, the Minister of State for Foreign Trade, H.E. Dr. Thani Al Zeyoudi, and H.E. Khaldoon Al Mubarak, Managing Director and CEO of Mubadala.

“On the 2nd day of the two-day conference, the Premier and Minister of Finance, delivered a keynote speech entitled ‘Bermuda – the Jewel of the Atlantic’, emphasizing his desire to strengthen ties between Bermuda and the UAE, whilst highlighting the similarities between the two jurisdictions.”


  • Air Travel: $8,237.15
  • Ground Transportation: $20.82
  • Accommodation: $2,718.82
  • Meals: $16.10
  • Total costs: $10,992.89


US Congressional Meetings

The trip duration was listed as from March 27, 2023 – March 31, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier the Hon. E. David Burt JP, MP, travelled to Washington DC from 26 March- 31 March, marking his first official visit to the United States capital since 2019, before the pandemic.

“The visit provided an opportunity to advance the cooperative and productive partnership between the United States and Bermuda.

“While in Washington DC, the Premier held meetings with several Members of the House of Representatives, including:

  • Representative Maxine Waters [California’s 43rd Congressional District], Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee;
  • Representative Joyce Beatty [Ohio’s 3rd Congressional District], Ranking Member of the Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions;
  • Representative Vern Buchanan [Florida’s 16th Congressional District], Vice-Chair of the Ways and Means Committee and Member of the Subcommittee on Trade;
  • Representative Warren Davidson [Ohio’s 8th Congressional District], Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance Subcommittee and Vice Chair of the Digital Assets Subcommittee;
  • Representative Andy Barr [Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District], Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy;
  • Representative Bill Foster [Illinois’s 11th Congressional District, Co-Chair of Congressional Blockchain Caucus] Ranking Member of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy; and
  • Representative Troy Carter [Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District], Committee on Homeland Security.

“The Premier also attended a breakfast with leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus and Caribbean Caucus.

“Premier Burt also met with US Senators, including:

  • Senator Raphael Warnock [Georgia], Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
  • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand [New York], Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and Committee on Armed Services.
  • Senator Chris Van Hollen [Maryland], Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and Committee on Foreign Relations.

“The Premier was also joined by the United States Consul General [USCG] to Bermuda, Karen Grissette, for meetings with State Department officials. Meetings took place with:

  • Brian Roraff, Director, Office of Northern European, Baltic, and Arctic Security Affairs [responsible for the UK and Overseas Territories]
  • Drew Weinschenk, Director, Office of Counter Threat Finance

“Additionally, the Premier met with Scott Rembrant, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. The visit concluded with a meeting with board members of the Global Blockchain Business Council on Friday morning to discuss Bermuda’s progress in the digital asset industry.

“The Premier was joined by the Government of Bermuda Overseas Representative in Washington DC, Anthony Howell and Jache Adams, Policy Advisor to the Minister of Finance and a Member of Parliament.”


  • Air Travel: $1,785.25
  • Ground Transportation: $695.55
  • Accommodation: $2,715.24
  • Meals: $122.93
  • Total costs: $5,318.97


CoinDesk Consensus Event

The trip duration was listed as from April 26, 2023 – April 29, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP. MP., travelled to a CoinDesk Consensus event held in Austin, Texas during the period 26th – 28th April, 2023. The Premier was joined by a Bermuda Government official, and representatives from the Bermuda Business Development Agency [BDA], the Bermuda Monetary Authority [BMA], and various industry partners, including Walkers, NEXT, Penrose Partners, Appleby, and Carey Olsen.

“The Premier and Bermuda delegation began the event by attending sessions and participating in a number of business development meetings with industry leaders and stakeholders. The first day culminated with the first large-scale Bermuda reception at CoinDesk Consensus hosted by the BDA, in partnership with Walkers and NEXT, the first digital asset industry group who were announced at Consensus last year.

“One the second day, the Premier joined Michael Casey, CoinDesk’s Chief Content Officer, on the main stage, for a keynote discussion entitled ‘Bermuda’s Strict but Progressive Path to Crypto Hub Status’. During this discussion, the Premier explained how Bermuda was focused on positioning itself as a leader in regulating digital assets, and attracting global companies such as Circle, Cash App, and Coinbase. These companies received full licenses from the Bermuda Monetary Authority, a week prior.

“The keynote discussion was preceded by a live interview with ‘First Movers’ for CoinDesk TV. The Premier discussed the state of regulations for digital assets, and Bermuda’s comprehensive framework. The Premier ended his time at Consensus by joining the BlockCo Podcast.”


  • Air Travel: $1,009.75
  • Ground Transportation: $230.57
  • Accommodation: $1,563.27
  • Meals: $81.25
  • Total costs: $2,884.84


2023 RIMS “RiskWorld” Conference

The trip duration was listed as from May 2, 2023 – May 3, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP. MP., travelled to a Risk and Insurance Management Society [RIMS] Conference ‘RISKWORLD’, held in Atlanta, Georgia, during the period 2nd – 3rd May, 2023.

“The Premier was joined by a Bermuda Government official, and a delegation led by the Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon. Jason Hayward, JP. MP, which included representatives from the Bermuda Monetary Authority, the Bermuda Business Development Agency, and the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers.

“RIMS is the largest community dedicated to advancing risk management, and RISKWORLD was the first in-person conference held since 2019. Bermuda has sent a delegation to this important annual event for over thirty-five [35] years.

“The Premier delivered remarks at the Bermuda Reception, sponsored by CHUBB, Butterfield, AIG, KPMG, Markel and SS&C, and hosted by the Bermuda Business Development Agency. The event was attended by business leaders and stakeholders from the risk management sector. The Premier’s speech highlighted Bermuda’s leadership position, and significant contributions to the insurance and reinsurance sector.”


  • Air Travel: $1,009.70
  • Ground Transportation: $206.36
  • Accommodation: $505.96
  • Meals: $16.30
  • Miscellaneous: $10.75
  • Total costs: $1,749.07


HM Coronation and JMC Meetings

The trip duration was listed as from May 4, 2023 – May 12, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier, the Hon. E David Burt JP, MP travelled to the United Kingdom from 5 May- 12 May for the rescheduled annual meeting of UK government officials and leaders of the Overseas Territories at the Joint Ministerial Council.

“The Joint Ministerial Council [JMC] is the highest forum for political dialogue and consultation between UK and elected leaders and representatives of the Overseas Territories for the purposes of providing leadership and promoting cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

“It provides a forum for the exchange of views on political and constitutional issues between the governments of the Overseas Territories and the UK Government to promote the security and good governance of the Territories and their sustainable economic and social development and to agree priorities, develop plans and review implementation. The Premier attended JMC as leader of the Government of Bermuda with London Office Director and Bermuda’s UK Representative, Ms. Kimberley Durrant.

“This visit also coincided with the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, which the Premier attended as leader of the Government of Bermuda on 6 May following a formal invitation from Buckingham Palace.

“Notable engagements included a bilateral meeting with the Rt. Hon. Lord [Zac] Goldsmith, the UK’s Minister for the Overseas Territories, a meeting with His Excellency Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, the State of Qatar’s Ambassador to the UK, and a Reception and Dinner hosted by the Speaker of the House of Commons, where Premier Burt, as the longest-serving Government leader present at the event, was invited to unveil one of the two new stained glass windows that adorn the entrance to the Speaker’s House on Parliament grounds.

“The Premier also hosted a Bermuda Society Breakfast Briefing with representatives from key Bermuda’s IB sector. And a ‘Dinner and Dialogue’ event for UK-based Bermudian university students and recent graduates, which afforded them the opportunity to socialise and network with others in their similar career fields and ask the Premier their pressing questions on youth issues.”


  • Air Travel: $6,293.00
  • Ground Transportation: $454.32
  • Accommodation: $6,602.64
  • Meals: $117.87
  • Total costs: $13,467.83



The trip duration was listed as from July 1, 2023 to July 7, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier of Bermuda, the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, attended the CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting held in Trinidad and Tobago from 1 July-7 July.

“This annual meeting coincided with the 50th anniversary of CARICOM’s establishment and Bermuda’s 20th anniversary of joining the community. The Premier’s participation in the conference aimed to engage with regional leaders and heads of government, fostering relationships and discussing critical regional issues on behalf of Bermuda.

“The leaders engaged in productive discussions on critical issues of economic development, growth and stability. The Premier emphasised Bermuda’s commitment to supporting progress in the region.

“In light of the global disruptions to the food supply chain, the conference addressed strategies to enhance agricultural independence within CARICOM. The leaders recognised the need to increase food security and contribute to the Region’s economic resilience. Bermuda actively participated in these discussions, showcasing its commitment to regional self-sufficiency.

“Other critical items the Premier discussed include Bermuda becoming a subscribing member of the Caribbean Development Bank [CDB], a delegation from the CDB to visit Bermuda for further discussions, and consideration by the Government for Bermuda to become a full member of CARICOM.

“In addition to the conference sessions, the Premier engaged in various side engagements and bilateral meetings. Notably, a meeting with the incoming UK Minister for Overseas Territories, Hon. David Rutley, MP, focused on crucial topics such as climate change, financial services, governance matters, and passports.

“The Premier also had the opportunity to meet with several global leaders, including UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, President of Rwanda Paul Kagame, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and others. These engagements further solidified Bermuda’s international relationships, establishing a foundation for future collaboration and cooperation.

“Participation in the CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting was a valuable opportunity to strengthen Bermuda’s position within the Caribbean community, re-engage with regional Government leaders, and continue developing relationships with other international partners.”


  • Air Travel: $4,900.40
  • Ground Transportation: $121.09
  • Accommodation: $1,087.07
  • Meals: $38.44
  • Total costs: $6,147.00

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