Premier Burt’s Trip To Dubai Cost $20,794.41

February 3, 2024 | 28 Comments

A trip in November 2023 by Premier David Burt to Abu Dhabi and Dubai cost $20794.41 according to a listing on the Government’s travel webpage.

The trip duration was listed as from November 26, 2023 – December 7, 2023, and the web page listing said, “The Premier, the Hon. David Burt, travelled to the UAE on 26 November-7 December to lead the Bermuda delegation and participate in the Abu Dhabi Finance Week and the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties [COP28] in Dubai.

“COP 28 is one of the most important environmental and diplomatic events of the year, and it was vital that Bermuda was well represented.

“A key highlight was the Premier’s meeting with officials from the Mubadala Investment Company and Masdar in Abu Dhabi to discuss renewable energy and infrastructure investment opportunities in Bermuda. This meeting built upon previous discussions the Premier held with Mubadala, Managing Director and CEO, earlier in the year.

“In addition, the Premier also met with His Excellency Abdulla Nasser Lootah, the Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs responsible for Competitiveness and Knowledge Exchange, to discuss the Government Experience Exchange Programme. This also builds on discussions held earlier in the year regarding this programme.

“A milestone was achieved during Abu Dhabi Finance Week with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding [MOU] with the Emirates Family Office Association [EFOA]. This MOU is part of Bermuda’s initiative to attract high-net-worth family offices and establish a physical EFOA branch in Bermuda within 12 months.

“The Premier attended a reception focusing on Women Climate Leaders & Small Islands Developing States following a formal invitation from the Commonwealth Secretary General, Baroness Patricia Scotland. This event allowed the Premier to discuss Bermuda’s role as a hub for climate finance and to engage in discussions with global leaders. His Majesty, King Charles III, also attended the reception.

“Meetings with key stakeholders in Bermuda’s insurance industry were also held, including with Aon Global’s President, Eric Anderson, and Bridget Gainer, Global Head of Public Affairs and Policy to discuss advancing Bermuda’s climate risk finance goals.

“The Premier met with the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development to discuss support for renewable energy projects in Bermuda. This was complemented by a tour of Dubai’s Sustainable City and hosting Bermuda Day at the SEE Institute, showcasing Bermuda’s commitment to sustainability.

“At COP28, the Premier delivered a keynote address on the Island of Hope Stage, highlighting Bermuda’s sustainability initiatives and its role in climate risk finance. Additionally, the Premier hosted a lunch at the DMCC in Dubai, addressing delegates on environmental and economic topics.

“The trip concluded with a meeting with His Excellency Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister for Foreign Trade, discussing economic cooperation and investment opportunities between the UAE and Bermuda, particularly in hospitality and infrastructure. This was a follow-up to discussions held with His Excellency during the Premier’s visit to Abu Dhabi earlier in the year.

“Throughout the visit, the Premier participated in remote meetings, including the weekly Cabinet meeting, the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers’ quarterly board meeting, and the December meeting of Bermuda’s Financial Policy Council. In addition, I held media engagements with local and international news, including interviews with Bermuda Broadcasting, Dubai TV, and Insurer TV.

“The trip to the UAE for COP28 marked significant advancements in Bermuda’s global partnerships, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable development and climate action on the international stage.”


  • Air Travel: $8213.00
  • Ground Transportation: $1301.77
  • Accommodation: $10418.99
  • Meals: $551.79
  • Miscellaneous: $308.86
  • Total costs: $20794.41

click here travel cost listings

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Comments (28)

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  1. Heey says:

    That is ridiculous, He is supposed to work for us the voters, not enjoy a lavish lifestyle. He is acting like a King.

    • WHAT? says:

      Wow Burt you almost close to the UBPOBA Sylvan Richards MP trip which was $31,566. I believe they kicked him out for being so reckless with tax payers money.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        Sylvan Richards took a Government business trip when the PLP Government was in power and the PLP Government paid $31,566?


        • Hey troll says:

          You better take more of your meds. That clown went to Rio and it wasn’t for business. Google it!

          • Joe Bloggs says:

            The Olympics in Rio were in 2016. That is more than 5 years after the UBP was dissolved.

            The post by “What?” must be referring to something that happened before 30 June 2011, because it refers to the UBP.

            • White Wash says:

              You must not be living in Bermuda keep up. The OBA is the UBP which is why so many black supporters departed.

              • Joe Bloggs says:

                I do live in Bermuda have for most of my life.

                The OBA is the old BDA. The UBP was dissolved in 2011. If you lived in Bermuda in those days you would know that.

                • Yea OK says:

                  That lie works on a few surrogates that have join the UBPobaers not the rest of Bermuda which includes voters that are white and black. Everyone knows the difference accept you which is why they’ve lost even before the election race begins.

              • Truth says:

                You must be a foreigner. The PLP is the OBA, which was the UBP.

                You need more surrogates. LOL

      • question says:

        The Sylvan Richards trip was the cost for two people, i.e. $15,000 each. Burt’s trip was one person, just him, spending nearly $21,000.

        Spending $15,000 was wrong then (as many PLP supporters pointed out at the time), and $21,000 is wrong now.

        • Lies says:

          Keep up the lies for the UBPobaers. In a few elections losses it will be completely impossible to find surrogates because they’ll be joining a new formed political party. Why do think the present opposition is finding it difficult to find a few list of candidates?

          • iyiyi says:

            Correct , that’s what a big percentage of voters are waiting for … a new party to form so we can get this reckless government out of power .

            • White Wash says:

              Bingo UBPobanewparty part 3.

              • iyiyi says:

                We will wait and see WHITE WASH … who knows maybe even YOU will change your vote like many of did to get the PLP in power in the first place .

                • White Wash says:

                  The only party that I would vote for is one similar to the former BDA party. The PLP is majority black and the OBA/UBP is majority white with a few black candidates to trick voters into thinking the party is diverse, which every voter knows is further from the truth.

                  • iyiyi says:

                    Great … there you have it ! So we will wait and see what a possible new party is made up of .
                    Maybe we can all get together and vote together for the better of our home Bermuda .

                  • Truth says:

                    …the plp is not diverse at all, but you failed to mention that.
                    If your problem is with diversity, then you must hate the racist plp…unless, you’re just another racist, p[laying the old victim game. LMFAO…you education betrays you.

                    • Lol says:

                      Look for some more surrogates and get ready for a another beating at the polls.

                    • X oba voter says:


                      Haha OMG I get it the oba uses you to keep the lights on and blog until you RIP. LMFAO

                • your comments on the government expenditures are ALL irrelevant. What was accomplished ought to be balanced against the costs incurred. What was accomplished ought to be written about in the paper. COP 28 was it a success?. And how would you measure that success?

                  Being socially conscious has a value. But what is it?

  2. trufth says:

    I’m not even going to read this whole article. I saw the dollar amount, that’s enough.

    Here’s the thing… since these traveling yahoos are Civil Servants who WORK FOR ME and whose salaries are PAID BY ME, I think they should start checking with me (and other tax payers) before they go on these jolly jaunts. This is ridiculous! WE ARE $7 BILLION dollars in debt! When I’m in debt, I don’t even buy coffee outside my kitchen. I don’t go out to dinner and I definitely don’t travel.

    YOU WORK FOR ME! Get your sh!t together and stop wasting money that ISN’T YOURS!!!

  3. Tracey Kelly says:

    This fake news. There is no way one person could spend this on a trip. He took 3 advisor and a bodyguard right?

    • Dejavu says:

      What are you talking about it would cost almost half that just for the plane tickets lol. Clearly your one of those bermudians that go new jersey for a week and think your a world traveler lmao

    • George says:

      ..last wednesday he flew back out to dubai with yeah could be right

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      A First Class ticket on BA would cost around $8213.00.

      A Business Class ticket on BA would cost around $4,600.00.

  4. Hilarious! says:

    Darn, I was off on the airfare but Accommodation: $10418.99! Seriously? Ground Transportation: $1301.77! Did the Big Guy not carpool with other Bermuda officials? Wait, my bad, his ego required a limo with a raised roof for him to fit in.

  5. Maddog says:

    Take that $20K please and use it to fill a few FLIPPING POTHOLES. at least we can see a tangible benefit. Thanks!

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