Giorgio Zanol Hails Lindo’s Race Success

March 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Giorgio Zanol, the Lindo’s Group of Companies president, said he was thrilled with the bumper turnout in the Lindo’s to Lindo’s 10K Run and 4-Mile Competitive Walk last weekend.

The annual event, which started at Lindo’s Family Foods in Warwick and finished at Lindo’s Market in Devonshire, raises funds for the Bermuda Diabetes Association.

It attracted more than 1,000 participants.

Start of the 2024 Lindo’s Race

“I didn’t expect so many people – I was counting for 800!” Mr Zanol told Bernews. “That’s why we initially had 800 goodie bags.”

Mr Zanol said he is delighted that the number of entries has returned to pre-Covid-19 levels.

“Before Covid, we had good numbers – 900 to 1,000,” said Mr Zanol, appointed as an MBE in recognition of his fundraising efforts.

“However, those numbers deteriorated during the pandemic. Last year, we had 800, which is what I expected again, so it was a great success to have almost 1,100 this year.

“We almost didn’t hold the event because it’s a lot of work; however, we decided to go ahead and do it, and I’m so happy we did.

“I’ve been raising money for the Bermuda Diabetes Association for 25 years – it’s such a good cause. I don’t know how much money we raised, but it should be a good number.

“Because of the success of this year, we’ll be doing it again next year!”

Sara Bosch de Noya, the BDA diabetes educator, told Bernews last week the organisers hoped to raise more than $25,000 for the charity as the race marked its 25th anniversary.

Funds will go towards expanding the BDA’s education initiatives and Client Assistance Programme [CAP].

“It was a great event,” Ms Bosch de Noya said. “We were delighted with the turnout on a sunny Bermuda Sunday. The crowds enjoyed it!”

1 hour live replay of the finish line

Sean Trott and Gayle Lindsay claimed victory in the 10k, while Mike Watson and Laura Wright won the 4-mile competitive walk.

Trott won his third 10k title after finishing in time of 34min 42sec, coming ahead of second-place Moses Mufandaedza in 35:25 and Thomas Mills third in 35:56.

Lindsay was the first female finisher, coming eleventh overall in 41:15. Stepanka Sprincova placed second in 42:59, and Karen Smith third in 44:32.

In the four-mile competitive walk, Watson won in 36:32, Tim Price came runner-up in 38:03, and Paul Hayward placed third in 39:09.

Wright was the first female in the competitive walk, crossing the line in 42:42. Nancy Andrews-Sousa came second in 43:51, and Sandra O’Brien third in 45:44.

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