African Diaspora Heritage Proclamation

May 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

Committee Members of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail Foundation released a proclamation on Africa Day.

A spokesperson said, “Committee Members of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail Foundation, today released a proclamation on Africa Day. Members include Kyle Bridgewater, Maxine Esdaille, Dawn Simmons, Mitchelle Trott, Nekesha Holdipp and Joyce Hayward. Africa Day is celebrated with events worldwide including with an annual beach-side celebration at John Smith’s Bay by independent local charitable organisation Jumuiya Ya Afrika.

“The African Diaspora Heritage Trail Bermuda Foundation proclamation follows:

“On 25 May 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa made history with the founding of the Organisation of African Unity [OAU], the forerunner to the African Union [AU].

Africa Day Bermuda May 25 2024

“Today, 61 years later, We – the descendants of Africans – who live in the African diaspora, recognise the wisdom of our forefathers and foremothers, who thought it vital for Africa to unite.

“Today, we still see the need to put tribal differences aside, erase artificial geographical boundaries and forgive past offenses. The only way to rise above historical atrocities and correct contemporary neo-colonialism is to see ourselves as a continental family and move forward as a collective people.

“The theme for this year is Building towards the future – People in Need

“The African Diaspora Heritage Trail Foundation calls on the Africans in Bermuda and the African-Bermudian community to heed the clarion call of unity in order to build a promising future firstly as a collective people, but also as a society.

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“Knowing that Africa’s history began pre-enslavement, Africa Day is an opportunity to globally celebrate Africa’s historical and modern successes. All over the world, where Africa Day is celebrated, Africa’s rich diversity – culturally, ethnically and in the natural world and what its land and people have given the world – resources, music, food, entertainment – makes it worthy of the recognition it receives on this day.

“Today, we speak to the economic potential that exists on the African continent and as heirs, we must unite to protect and preserve Africa’s wealth, both on the continent and in the diaspora.

“We leave these parting words recognising that African visionaries saw all Africans – world-wide coming together, uniting as do the Asians, Europeans and other nations. African unification is not an option, it is a need. Africa unite! Forward together always,…one family, one nation under one sun and one Creator.”

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