Ministry On South Road Paving In Southampton

May 19, 2024 | 12 Comments

“We are pleased with the completed paving of the eastbound and westbound lanes between the Henry VIII and Fairmont Southampton entrance,” commented Minister of Public Works David Burch.

The Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Public Works is pleased to update the public about the status of its paving project on South Road, Southampton.

“The Ministry’s paving crew commenced the works at Dolphin Ridge before moving onto the Fairmont Southampton Entrance.

“The crew successfully completed the milling and paving of the westbound lane before completing the eastbound lane last Wednesday night.

“This project involved milling off the old asphalt layer and repaving a new layer on top, ensuring the road was completed at the highest standard.”

Minister Burch added, “Infrastructure investment and improvement are hallmark pledges of the Government’s 2023 Throne Speech.

“Our goal is to address several critical areas in the coming months with the improved summer weather conditions, ensuring the safety and satisfaction of all road users.”

The Government spokesperson said, “The team will move to Collectors Hill as the next critical area.”

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20241

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20242

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20243

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20244

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20245

_South Road Paving Southampton Bermuda May 20246

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  1. trufth says:


  2. Why says:

    Why is this a celebration, this should be normal. The PLP have turned something which was historically done as a matter of course into a celebratory fanfare and give the impression that we should be so lucky to have roads. The PLP are a disaster end of. Vote out this sub standard group of me myself and I politicians. They do not deserve our vote.

    • watching says:

      Who said anything about a celebration? It was an announcement to keep the public informed as there has been lots of concern over the state of the road.

      • Why says:

        People can see roads resurfaced when they drive or ride over them, us Bermudians can tell the difference you know. This is the second announcement (or is it third) on this small stretch of road. there was even a video on the last one before this. Thes press released are orchestrated as a mind trick to make people think they had been given something, when instead the PLP have been taking things away from them in terms of services and maintenance of infrastructure for years. Roads being kept in good condition through resurfacing is normal and should have been happening for years, because WE have been PAYING for it at TCD every year. end of.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    Was the grading of the road changed or was that dangerous flat ‘S’ curve repaved as it has always been?

    How many crashes, how many more deaths on those curves before W&E spend a few $ and make that curve as safe as possible?

    • Question says:

      The grading of that part of the road has definitely changed. It’s also incredibly bumpy. It’s like they can’t do anything properly.

  4. Steve says:

    Spot on

  5. Joe Bloggs says:

    Self-congratulation for addressing what the Minister himself called more than 20 years of neglect. Politics at its best.

  6. Comfortably numb says:

    Perhaps the colonel could comment on the “work” on repairing the wall just west of Waterlot Inn. I pass there several times a week and the only thing working is the lights. Scheduled to be complete in March and now approaching June and still not finished!

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Scheduled to be complete in March”

      March of what year?

  7. Maddog says:

    It’s called proactive political PR….spin a positive story out of anything…to make us look amazing….I am happy that road is paved…(thank you) but yah, maintaining roads is BAU and not a press story….!!!!

  8. Hilarious! says:

    Just think, all the primary roads will have to be repaved in the future to support the weight of all the electric cars the Government wants on the road.

    Do we know how much damage to the roads is being done by the heavy electric buses?

    Using 140 miles of paved public roads, estimating 50% of main/major roads is 70 miles. Using $750,000 to $1,000,000 per mile TODAY comes out as $52.5 to $70 MILLION! With inflation, when electric vehicles are mandated your children, grandchildren, and your grandchildren’s children will be sending their paychecks directly to Government. I suspect that at some point, most electric cars will be driven by our Ministers and Government employees – at taxpayer expense.

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