Couper Becomes Head Girl At Badminton School

June 27, 2024 | 1 Comment

Gabriella Couper Bermuda June 2024Gabriella Couper has been elected ‘Head Girl’ at the Badminton School in the UK.

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda resident, Gabriella [17], has been elected ‘Head Girl’ at Badminton School, a prestigious UK boarding school based in Bristol in the Southwest of England.

“Born in and back living in Bermuda, having had a spell in the UK for family reasons, Gabriella has attended Badminton School since the age of 6, together with her sister. She is now one of three Head Girls at the leading British Boarding School, whose previous Head Girls have included Oscar nominated actress, Rosamund Pike.”

Jessica Miles, Head at Badminton School, comments: “Gabriella is a determined, resilient, confident and highly courteous individual – qualities that make her an excellent role model, leader and indeed, Badmintonian. She thoroughly deserves the Head Girl accolade, and I am excited to see what unique initiatives she brings to the role”.

Gabriella is currently studying Mathematics, Chemistry, Latin and Further Maths at A Level and hopes to study Earth Science at university.

She comments: “I feel honoured to have been voted by my peers to be one of the Head Girls at Badminton, and to fly the flag for Bermuda. Badminton is such a special place, just like Bermuda. Bermuda’s depth and Badminton’s breadth has enabled me to be an All-Rounder Scholar and now Head Girl; both of which broaden my horizons in a safe, fun and curious way. Despite being in Bristol for school, Bermuda is always in my heart; I can be spotted wearing Bermuda sand earrings and Bermuda triangle and map of the island necklaces wherever I go! My ultimate goal is to utlilise an Earth science degree to benefit Bermuda in the future”.

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  1. Barbara Cooper says:

    Congratulations Gabriella. You are an excellent Bermuda ambassador. Good luck with your studies and your future goals ………….

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