Governor Hosts King’s Birthday Celebration

June 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Governor Rena Lalgie welcomed members of the community to celebrate the King’s official birthday.

Government House said, “Thursday night, Her Excellency the Governor, Ms Rena Lalgie and Mr Jacob Hawkins welcomed a wide cross section of the community to their residence to celebrate the official Birthday of His Majesty The King.

“The Governor and her husband welcomed first-time guests who had applied for an invitation to attend through the online ballot as well as representatives from various charities and voluntary organisations in Bermuda. Guests enjoyed music by DJ Korie Minors and the sounds of Paul Smith on the Steel Pan Drum.

“In a speech given to those in attendance, Her Excellency, acknowledged the temporary relocation. Reflecting on the last 3 ½ years the Governor said, “I have had the pleasure of serving as the Honorary President of PALS, Chief Scout and as the Patron of 9 charities. Most have long enjoyed the patronage of the Governor, but I have been proud to strengthen links with the Bermuda School of Music and the Bermuda Philharmonic Orchestra who I have added to the number in recognition of the work they do in the Arts.”

“Before making a toast to His Majesty for the last time, the Governor thanked everyone for their support and encouraged the people of Bermuda to continue to give back to their community in a meaningful way.”

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