Ministry Commences Paving At Collector’s Hill

June 14, 2024 | 19 Comments

“We understand the frustration residents have experienced due to the potholes in this area. Addressing these concerns has been a priority, and I am pleased that we are able to respond effectively,” said Minister of Public Works Lt. Col. David Burch.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Public Works is pleased to announce the commencement of paving work at Collector’s Hill in Smith’s parish, which began this past Monday, 10 June.

“This project, a joint operation between the Department of Works and Engineering’s paving and construction sections, will continue until 28 June.

“Crews are working to pave the following areas:

  • Collector’s Hill from Cotswold Lane down to the junction, both lanes.
  • South Road from the Rotisserie Parking lot entrance through the junction to the bus layby near Cloverdale Road, both lanes and bus layby.
  • Repair work to the curb, storm drain, and sidewalk on the southern side of South Road.
  • Installation of a pole to accommodate CCTV cameras.
  • Restriping of the marking on the roadway and access road to parking lots.

Minister Burch emphasised: “This paving work is part of our broader plan to improve road conditions across the Island.

“Over the coming months, we will be paving more areas around the Island to ensure safer and smoother journeys for all road users. We appreciate the public’s patience and cooperation as we carry out these essential works.”

“The Ministry encourages residents to stay informed about roadwork updates and to exercise caution when travelling through construction zones.

“This project highlights the Ministry’s dedication to enhancing Bermuda’s infrastructure in response to community needs.”

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (1)

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (2)

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (3)

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (4)

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (5)

Paving Bermuda June 13 2024 (6)

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  1. Hey says:

    Minister Burch emphasised: “This paving work is part of our broader plan to improve road conditions across the Island.

    The below is ARROGANCE ON steroids, using the words “broader plan to improve”. There is no improvement. the roads are not going to be better than they were before the PLP neglect of our infrastructure. This is just making a small stretch of road bearable for around a year. Also “broader plan”, ongoing maintenance is a GIVEN, A GIVEN as WE TAXPAYERS PAY TCD FEES TO PAY FOR THIS. IT HASN’T BEEN DONE, SO GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK! For many years the PLP has not maintained the roads.

    If someone put holes in your shoes you had to wear for 20 years and then came along and put a patch on them would you be praising them ? NO

    haha you say, “well i’d not wear them as I’d get a new pair of shoes” , well then VOTE THESE INCOMPETENT PEOPLE OUT and get your new pair of shoes.

    • Really says:

      You are really so out of it! Is you have nothing good to say then just stop it

      • Hey says:

        If you look further down in this thread I think you’ll find I thanked some people.

        However, I’m disgusted at the Arrogance of this incarnation of the PLP members of parliament. They are not serving the people of Bermuda, they are making personal wealth, while starving the people of Bermuda, while providing trinkets and platitudes USING TAXPAYERS MONEY. Dame Lois Browne -Evans and Eugene would be disgusted at their antics.

        • Answer says:

          The people don’t care what you think or say. Now run along and look for some more people to front for your obas.

  2. Barb Jones says:

    This is great – what is next? Hoping it is the stretch from St Anthony’s Church to Heron Bay Market Place Warwick/Southampton. It is like an obstacle course. Help!

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Actually , make that from Cobb’s Hill/Middle Road all the way to White Hill Somerset.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Addressing these concerns has been a priority, and I am pleased that we are able to respond effectively,” said Minister of Public Works Lt. Col. David Burch.”

    This from the same man who acknowledged that our roads have been neglected for more than a decade.

  4. Ringmaster says:

    While this is positive, today is Friday but the public is now being advised of the disruption that began last Monday. No surprise really, typical of this Government to be reactive instead of saying last Friday work would start Monday and be aware of delays. Always late to the party, except for the Corporation Tax which will likely have negative consequences as few other countries have announced they will be implementing it.

    • watching says:

      There definitely was notice about these road works prior to their commencing. The article above was not an announcement of their intentions. It was to show that it is being done and the progress being made.

  5. watching says:

    I am sure the residents that travel these roads will very much appreciate the repaving. it has been a long time coming, but better late than never.

    • hey says:

      Says the PLP watching. You are a sitting MP aren’t you.

      “Better late than never”. WE PAID FOR IT YEARS AGO, MULTIPLE TIMES OVER.

      The W&E staff get a hard time on comments, but they can only do what their PLP dictators allow. Thank You W&E employees.

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    Here comes the rain again. Will it be washed away again?

  7. What?! says:

    Why is this news?? Isn’t this supposed to be part of Gov and W&E normal daily operations?? – To maintain good road conditions!
    I guess paving roads as become so rare in BDA that asphalting 50 yards of road is now news worthy!

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “I guess paving roads as become so rare in BDA that asphalting 50 yards of road is now news worthy!”

      Sadly, yes.

  8. Angie says:

    The road in Southampton where Sal is, that needs to be fixed as well. There are alot of pot holes that need to be fixed in that area

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