Noelle Young To Join Caribbean Climate Academy

June 24, 2024 | 1 Comment

Island Innovation announced that Bermuda’s Noelle Young has been selected for the 2024 Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy.

A spokesperson said, “Noelle will be part of a cohort of 50 young leaders from across the Caribbean. Following a strict application process that reviewed hundreds of applicants, the cohort features participants from every CARICOM nation, in addition to other territories.

“The program, funded by the Open Society Foundations [OSF], is the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights.

“The 5-month course has just begun. The program is aimed at building participants’ knowledge of international policies, environmental sustainability, climate resilience, and how they impact Caribbean communities.

Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy Noelle Young Bermuda June 2024

“Five exceptional participants will be selected to attend COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, with all expenses covered. The remainder of the cohort will take part in Island Innovation’s annual COP virtual pavilion, which covers the two-week event and the latest developments related to islands.”

Reflecting on her selection, Noelle Young said, “Being chosen for this prestigious program is an incredible honor. I am excited to bring back valuable insights and actionable strategies to help Bermuda and its people. I am trying my best to make long lasting impactful change within my lifetime for the benefit of future generations.”

Island Innovation CEO James Ellsmoor commented, “At the grassroots level, young people are not just advocating for their communities but are actively identifying and implementing practical, sustainable solutions for the region. We need this force for change.

The spokesperson said, “At Island Innovation, we are committed to empowering young leaders through initiatives like the Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy [CCJLA]. The Island Innovation team will continue to empower these young professionals with knowledge, connections, and an additional platform amplifying their efforts for a more equitable and sustainable Caribbean. I look forward to seeing the 2024 cohort in action through the upcoming months.

“To learn more about the Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy, please visit: To learn more about Noelle’s projects, including her recently received approval to host Bermuda’s first Local Consultation of Youth officially endorsed by YOUNGO – the children and youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, please contact her at”

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    Congratulations, Noelle. All the best in your studies. Perhaps you can ask your teachers/instructors a few simple questions for me. They can earn 10 points per question for correctly answering:

    Quiz Question 1:
    I am one of the most highly regarded climate scientists working today. The winner of many awards who invented the now debunked Hockey Stick graph made famous by Al Gore that “proved” AGW. I also falsely claimed three times in US Federal Court to be a Nobel Laureate by winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Who am I?

    For 10 points each – Quiz Question 2:
    a) According to NASA and expressed as a percentage, how certain is NASA on ranking “hottest year” claims and why? (10 points)

    b) According to NOAA and expressed as a percentage, how certain is NOAA on ranking “hottest year” claims and why? (10 points)

    Quiz Question 3:
    Why can’t NOAA, NASA, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), and the UK’s The Met agree on one definition of “climate change?”

    Quiz Question 4:
    Use Green Outcome Based Math to solve: Expressed as a percentage, what is 75 divided by 10,257?

    Quiz Question 5:
    Why are reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), and similar organizations, inadmissible as evidence in US Federal Courts?

    Quiz Question 6:
    Of the thousands and thousands of research papers cited in reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), how many of those papers were replicated/reproduced by either organization?

    Quiz Question 7:
    What former American President who claimed that the sea levels are rising has one multi-million dollar oceanfront property on the Atlantic Ocean (Martha’s Vineyard) and one newly built multi-million property with three homes on the Pacific Ocean (Hawaii)?

    Quiz Question 8:
    By what percentage did NOAA lower its 2022 5-year sea level rise report projection vs. the 2017 report 5-year projection for Florida and for what reason?

    Quiz Question 9:
    Why is China building more coal fired electricity generating plants than all of the world’s countries combined?

    Quiz Question 10: Which of the following is true:
    A. Planet Earth’s Highest Temperature
    56.7°C (134°F) July 10, 1913, Furnace Creek, CA, USA
    CO2 301 ppm

    B: Northern Hemisphere Highest Temperature
    56.7°C (134°F) July 10, 1913, Furnace Creek CA, USA
    CO2 301 ppm

    C: Southern Hemisphere Highest Temperature
    125°F (51.7°C) January 3, 1909 Bourke, Australia
    CO2 299 ppm

    D: Eastern Hemisphere Highest Temperature
    55.0°C (131°F) July 7, 1931, Kebili, Tunisia
    CO2 308 ppm

    E: Western Hemisphere Highest Temperature
    56.7°C (134°F) July 10, 1913, Furnace Creek Ranch, CA, USA
    CO2 301 ppm

    F: All of the above.

    Thank you.

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