PLP Women’s Caucus Postpones Fish Fry

June 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] Women’s Caucus and Progressive Minds  announced the postponement of their fish fry fundraiser, originally scheduled for June 28 to July 12.

A spokesperson said, “This is to avoid conflicting with the fundraiser by FC Bascome being held for Mr. Darren Whitehead, a worthy cause that has captured both our hearts and that of the community. We believe that it is essential to come together as a community and demonstrate our collective compassion and generosity in support of Mr. Whitehead.

“We are deeply moved by the story of Mr. Darren Whitehead and we believe that postponing our fish fry is the right thing to do. We encourage all who are able to support the fundraiser being conducted to cover his medical expenses.

“The public is further encouraged to mark their calendars for July 12 and join the Progressive Minds and PLP Women’s Caucus in their rescheduled fish fry fundraiser. Part proceeds will go towards supporting the community and supporting youth access to summer programs.”

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