A Study In Light & Colour At National Gallery

June 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

This week the Bermuda National Gallery opened A Study in Light & Colour: Selections from the David L. White Collection focused on Bermuda works by American Impressionists held in the Gallery’s permanent collection.

A spokesperson said, “David L. White, OBE [1933-2013], former editor of the Royal Gazette and a dedicated art collector, donated over 80 works to the Bermuda National Gallery. This exhibition presents 21 pieces from this collection, each chosen for the way they explore light and colour, capturing Bermuda’s open landscapes, picturesque buildings and sun-soaked days.

“The artworks in A Study in Light & Colour were painted in the first half of the 20th century. During this period, many artists from the East Coast of the United States were drawn to Bermuda’s mild winters and unique quality of light. These artists often hailed from prominent artist colonies in Provincetown, Cape Cod and Old Lyme, Connecticut, and had studied under French Impressionists in Paris or their American counterparts.

“Painting ‘en plein air’ [in the open air], these artists transport viewers to a tranquil era when life in Bermuda moved at a slower pace, with people traveling by foot, bicycle, or horse and cart.

“Although many of these paintings were created a century ago, in typical Bermuda fashion, some attendees at the Members’ Preview found personal connections to the piece. One guest was surprised to see her own home, albeit without some recent updates, up on the wall in front of her. Another guest found a familiar figure in one of the paintings, and after some consultation with family members, confirmed that it was her grandfather depicted in the painting.

“Even without these extraordinary connections, the serenity offered by these paintings is contagious and transforms the entire room into a time machine to Bermuda of a time gone by.

BNG Executive Director Jennifer Phillips says: “The David L. White Collection is one of the Gallery’s most important permanent collections. A Study in Light & Colour revisits artworks by prominent American Impressionists who visited Bermuda in the early 1900s to paint our beautiful island. We are delighted to share these works with locals and visitors alike.

“The exhibition will be on view in the Hereward T. Watlington Room through the end of October, curated by Eve Godet Thomas. The Bermuda National Gallery is open from Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 4:00 pm, and Saturday from 10:00 to 2:00pm.

“Admission for 2024 is free, made possible by the Christian Humann Foundation. High resolution images can be downloaded here.”

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