Wardman Raises $155K For Finn Scholarship

June 27, 2024 | 2 Comments

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Geordie Wardman has raised more than $155,000 to start a scholarship in memory of his son Finn after tackling a 100-mile ultra-marathon across the Utah desert.

Finn, who was studying business administration at Durham University in England, was just 20 years old when he was killed in St Legier, Switzerland, in April of last year.

Mr Wardman was supported in the challenge by his friend Chase Toogood and completed the gruelling distance in 31.5 hours in Zion National Park on April 13.

Christopher Wardman, his brother, also joined the pair for the final 30 miles.

“It was every bit as challenging as I expected,” Mr Wardman told Bernews.

Geordie Wardman 2 24 June 2024

“There were times when I thought, ‘Uh, I just want this to be over,’ but looking back, I realise how rewarding the experience was.

“My body was pretty beat up – blisters, mangled toes. I rolled my ankle on mile 80. It was sore, but I was in the zone. I had to carry on.

“Chris joined at mile 70 and helped bring us home. He brought some new energy and fresh spirit.”

The Finn Wardman Culture & Diversity Scholarship will offer students in Bermuda and Mexico who want to travel but do not have the means, the opportunity to take advantage of the World Explorer Student Grant to pursue their passions, gain leadership skills, and experience adventure.

Mr Wardman said the grants are open to 17-25-year-olds and awarded to those who offer the most compelling narrative for why they deserve their dream to be financially supported.

Geordie Wardman 1 24 June 2024

“We’ve partnered with the Bermuda Community Foundation and Bermuda Scholarships and will set up a selection panel of at least ten people – adults and students – to judge the most compelling applications,” he said.

“Applicants will have to go through several interviews and tell us their story; tell us their dream.

“Maybe they want to climb Kilimanjaro because their grandad did back in the day; perhaps they want to obtain their pilot’s licence overseas – it can be absolutely anything.

“Successful candidates will be expected to keep us updated so we can share their journey on Instagram and, hopefully, inspire more applicants and attract more sponsorship.

“We want this scholarship to grow and offer these experiences to dozens of youngsters yearly.”

Geordie Wardman May 15 2024

Mr Wardman and Mr Toogood plan to undertake at least one challenge each year to raise funds for the scholarship.

“I don’t think we’ll run another ultra-marathon,” said Mr Wardman, a Bermudian software developer and entrepreneur who left the island in 2010.

“Maybe it will involve hiking, cycling, or paddleboarding. It needs to be a challenge, though. We’ve raised the bar.”

Mr Wardman says that the application process has just been finalised with the Bermuda Community Foundation, and applicants can apply for adventure, athletic and vocational grants of up to $10,000 and a year of travel, click here

For more information about the World Explorer Fund, click here

Individuals and corporations can donate to the Finn Wardman Culture & Diversity Scholarship through GoFundMe at click here.

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  1. Bermy4life says:

    These guys are amazing – what an incredible effort for a very worthy cause! One or more lucky students will benefit from these annual efforts – giving the recipients an experience that will last a lifetime.

    Channeling grief so positively is commendable – well done!

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    Something good coming from something so tragic. Thank you for that good news.

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