Video: Tyler Kerr Earns Stoppage Win In Thailand

June 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Updated with video + Written by Stephen Wright]

Bermudian Muay Thai fighter Tyler Kerr claimed his second victory in the professional ranks after defeating Kabendam Torkamdee at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium in northern Thailand on Thursday [May 30].

Kerr stopped his more experienced opponent with a knee to the body in the third round of their five-round welterweight contest.

“Round one was pretty even – I got the better of him a few times with counters and dumps to the ground,” Kerr told Bernews.

“Round two picked up with some back and forth, and he tried to bait me in. Rather than play his game, I caught on to it, stopped, and reset, so he was playing my game.

“In round three, I was doing well on the outside, striking and getting into the clinch. He landed some good knees, so I went to the body to slow him down.

Tyler Kerr Bermuda May 31 2024 (1)

“He was breathing heavily, gasping for air, so I put the pressure on.

“He was telegraphing things because he was tired. I slipped a knee, landed a left uppercut, a right hand over the top, and a big knee the chest.

“It put him down, and he couldn’t get back up.”

The 28-year-old, who has spent the past few months training at the Spirit of Siam gym in Chang Mai, made his pro debut in March, defeating a local fighter on points at the JF Boxing Stadium in the coastal city of Pattaya.

He decided to spend six months in Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia, immersing himself in the “art of the eight limbs” after being placed on garden leave from his job as an underwriter on the island.

Tyler Kerr Bermuda May 31 2024 (3)

“It’s been a fantastic experience, training at multiple gyms, different areas around Thailand and Southeast Asia,” he said.

“It’s been amazing to experience such diversity and the different cultures.”

Kerr will head straight from Thailand to Des Moines, Iowa, for the TBA Muay Thai World Championships from June 19 to 23, where he hopes to claim the A Class title, having won the B Class last year.

“I’ll be moving up to the A class as I’ve had more than 12 fights,” added Kerr, who trains locally at Fight City Muay Thai and Fitness.

“I don’t think any Bermudian has ever fought in the A class. Hopefully, I can bring home gold.”

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