Corporate Income Tax Public Agency Information

July 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Ministry of Finance issued a public information document regarding the Corporate Income Tax Agency.

A Government spokesperson said, “Following the enactment of the Corporate Income Tax Act 2023 in December, 2023, the Government is moving ahead with the establishment of a Corporate Income Tax Agency [the Agency].

“This document sets out a high-level background of the structure and function of the Agency and provides information on the proposals for the Agency’s organisation and powers. An illustrative draft of the legislation is also included.”

“We invite feedback on the Agency’s structure and function to evaluate potential modifications,” stated Premier and Finance Minister David Burt. “We value the input received so far concerning the CIT and welcome further insights and suggestions as we move forward.”

The spokesperson said, “Questions and points of concern concerning these proposals should be directed to to be received no later than 5 July, 2024.”

The full Corporate Income Tax Agency Information follows below [PDF here]:

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