Educational Launch Of BEA Programme

July 24, 2024 | 0 Comments

Muuvment, a social impact platform based in Bermuda, in partnership with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Department of Education and the Ministry of Education, is announced the educational launch of the Bermuda Environmental Action [BEA] programme.

A spokesperson said, “The BEA programme is designed to increase understanding of environmental issues and inspire the community to participate in positive action, beginning with students.”

“Through the BEA programme, we aim to equip students in Bermuda with the knowledge and tools they need to tackle environmental issues. This initiative is not just about raising awareness, but also about preparing our students for the jobs of the future, where sustainability will be a key component,” said Walter Roban, Minister of Home Affairs.

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The spokesperson said, “BEA was launched during Youth Climate Summit 2023 and is now advancing into Phase 3, a three-year educational programme, where students will have opportunities to participate in various interactive learning experiences and to support local charities to protect Bermuda’s environment. The BEA programme has already begun making an impact, with a successful Hackathon pilot run in June. This event allowed students to collaborate and develop innovative solutions to environmental challenges.

“Other key events planned for the three-year programme include a Kinetic Energy Challenge, which will engage students in hands-on learning about renewable energy sources; a Treasure Hunt, designed to foster a sense of community and environmental stewardship; and a Bike Pedal Power event, which will promote sustainable transportation and physical fitness.”

“I am thrilled to be part of a programme that allows us to take our passion for the environment beyond the classroom. BEA gives us the chance to work collaboratively, both virtually and in person, to contribute to a cause we deeply care about,” said Etana, a 13 year-old student at Whitney Institute.

The spokesperson said, “As part of a broader public-private cooperation to encourage environmental stewardship and citizenship through education, BEA has partnered with Convex who’s business supports a number of local charitable and education initiatives. BEA is also in talks with additional partners, who will be announced in due course.

“For more information about the BEA programme and upcoming events, contact”

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