ICO’s 2021-2022 Financial Statement Tabled

July 12, 2024 | 1 Comment

The Audited Financial Statement for the Office of the Information Commissioner for the financial year ended 31 March 2022 were tabled in the House of Assembly today.

A spokesperson said, “Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez is pleased to announce that, for the seventh consecutive year, the ICO has received an unqualified audit. As an independent, publicly funded office, the Public Access to Information Act 2010 requires that the ICO’s accounts are subject to an annual independent audit by the Auditor General.

“Due to internal and external factors, the ICO’s audited financial statements for financial years ended 31 March 2023 and 2024 remain outstanding. The ICO is committed to providing draft audit files to the Office of the Auditor General and working to complete the outstanding audits promptly.

“In the interim, the ICO’s unaudited quarterly expenditures from 1 April 2022 to date are proactively published on the ICO’s website to provide transparency for the public around its spending and accountability for the ICO’s stewardship of public funds. The PATI Act requires all public authorities subject to the PATI Act, including the ICO, to have their quarterly expenditures readily available for the public, without the need for a PATI request.

“The 2021-2022 audited financial statement and unaudited quarterly expenditure reports are available on the ICO’s website.’

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    The ICO’s accounting and reporting can be done on QuickBooks. So why the delay?

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