Minister Owen Darrell On Cup Match

July 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

“As we embark on this festive journey, let us embrace the spirit of Cup Match wholeheartedly,” Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Owen Darrell said yesterday [July 17] in the Senate.

The Minister said, “In the upcoming weeks we will come together to celebrate a cherished and time-honoured tradition, a true reflection of the spirit of Bermuda – Cup Match! This year the Classic will take place on August 1st and 2nd. This iconic event unites us as a community, transcending boundaries of age, race, and background, to revel in our shared love for cricket, camaraderie, and the vibrant culture that makes our island nation so unique.

“We are already seeing the streets draped in light blue, dark blue and red and the buzz of the workplace and community where many people are declaring their sides. This is the time of year where if you get caught wearing the wrong colours, you will be sure to be called out. ”

Madam President, in the upcoming weeks we will come together to celebrate a cherished and time-honoured tradition, a true reflection of the spirit of Bermuda – Cup Match! This year the Classic will take place on August 1st and 2nd. This iconic event unites us as a community, transcending boundaries of age, race, and background, to revel in our shared love for cricket, camaraderie, and the vibrant culture that makes our island nation so unique.

Madam President, we are already seeing the streets draped in light blue, dark blue and red and the buzz of the workplace and community where many people are declaring their sides. This is the time of year where if you get caught wearing the wrong colours, you will be sure to be called out. Although Somerset may have the cup, I feel this year that my team will rise to new heights and change the narrative in place. Spectators are certainly looking to witness an exciting match. I remember quite vividly the days of Arnold Manders, Allan Douglas, Charlie Marshall and Noel Gibbons – when they kept us sitting at the edge of our seats during play. This year the anticipation is high, and it is hoped that the standard of match will thrill all that bear witness of the event.

Madam President, if you are not aware the Department of Sport and Recreation host an annual Mini-Cup Match, where young people in our Summer Day Camp Programmes compete for their cup. I am proud to say that this year the Department of Sport and Recreation formed a collaborative partnership with Coralisle Group Ltd. [CG], Cricket West Indies [CWI] and the Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] to enhance cricket coaching for Bermuda’s youth and local coaches. This initiative, aimed at fostering talent and passion for the sport, leveraged CG’s longstanding relationship with Cricket West Indies to bring advanced coaching and support to Bermuda.

Madame President, I would like to give a special thank you to Naz Farrow, CEO of CG and Calvin Blankendal from the BCB for bringing two distinguished CWI coaches, Ryan Austin and Britney Cooper, who led the coaching sessions. Through this collaboration, Bermuda’s young cricketers benefited from expert coaching and guidance, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to excel.

On Thursday, July 25th at the Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club starting at 10am the Annual Mini-Cup Match Classic sponsored by CG will take place, where the St. George’s Mini Cup Match Team will defend their title as the cup holders. Madam President, I would like to welcome all to come and witness the young people from our camps doing amazing things with bat and ball.

Madam President, beyond the friendly rivalry on the field, Cup Match serves as a reminder of the importance of community spirit and supporting one another. It is an opportunity to display the true essence of Bermudian hospitality, where laughter and togetherness abound.

Let us use this occasion to strengthen our community bonds, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding amongst us all.

Madam President, I would like to express my gratitude to this year’s host, Somerset Cricket Club, especially President Richard Scott and his committee, organizers, sponsors, and countless volunteers who are working tirelessly to make this year’s Cup Match possible. I was pleased to be able to provide funding to Somerset Cricket Club in support of their role as the hosts of this year’s Cup Match Classic. We all look forward to the fun and revelry of Cup Match, but the Government also wants to ensure that we celebrate safely and responsibly in our actions.

Madam President, in addition to acknowledging the hard work of Mr. Scott and Somerset Cricket Club, I would also like to thank the St. George’s Cricket Club President Misheal Paynter and his team. Both of your clubs’ dedication and commitment ensure this celebration remains a cherished highlight on our calendar. I am looking forward to the final Cup Match trials and stopping in on my fellow Bermudians setting up their camps. I would also like to congratulate newly appointed captain Terryn Fray in his new role leading his team, Somerset in this year’s classic. An interesting point to note Madame President, is that Terryn is the first Bailey’s Bay player to captain Somerset in Cup Match.

Madame President, it would be remiss of me, as I hail from Smiths/Devils Hole not to mention a sporting event that almost as popular as Cup Match – the Eastern County. This Saturday, July 20th, will mark the 120th edition of this annual classic, where my team, Cleveland County, from Harris Bay, will take on those bies from Bailey’s Bay at the St. David’s Cricket Club. We look to leave the first round taking the cup back to Devil’s Hole. To my captain Mackih McGowan and the team, I look forward to cheering you and the team on to victory at Lord’s, all the best.

Madam President, as we embark on this festive journey, let us embrace the spirit of Cup Match wholeheartedly. I would like to encourage the public to attend the last Cup Match trials at each club and stay for the exciting selection process that evening. Also attend Colt Cup Match where you can witness the up-and-coming players take on each other. I am honoured to be a part of this year’s game and know that this festive event symbolizes the bonds that tie us together – connected through heritage, pride, and unity. It is a time when families, friends, and even strangers come together to create lasting memories, forging connections that withstand the test of time.

Happy Cup Match to all! Thank you, Madam President. divider line 2039852
For extensive coverage of Cup Match spanning over a decade, visit our website, the island’s most comprehensive resource on the Cup Match holiday.


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