Live Audio & Parliament Order Of Business

July 12, 2024 | 1 Comment

[Updated with audio] The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [July 12] and statements listed on the Order Paper include Equity for Pensions, Update on the Tynes Bay Waste-to- Energy Facility, Education Reform Update- Learning Partnership, Tragic Events in Recent Days, Communities of Support for Families and Individuals, Development and Planning Amendment Act 2024 and Digital Fare Media-Launched.

Update: Live broadcast has concluded, and the audio of the morning session is below

The Order of Business is below [PDF here]:

Microsoft Word - Order of Business_12th July, 2024

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Nothing about bringing back Colin Coxall or any serious action against gang violence.

    I guess we just have to accept gang violence as part of Bermuda culture in the twenty-first century.

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