PLP Comment On OBA Parliamentary Questions

July 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

The PLP said they have “taken note of the One Bermuda Alliance’s [OBA] seeming push during the Parliamentary Question Period to open up closed or restricted job categories that were originally instituted by the PLP to protect jobs and opportunities for Bermudians.”

A spokesperson said, “We are deeply concerned by this approach, especially given the OBA’s track record during their time in government.

“Under the OBA the number of jobs held by non-Bermudians grew while Bermudian jobs declined. Additionally, the OBA:

  • Broke their promise to reform, not scrap, term limits, further eroding trust and job security for our Bermudians within just their first 100 days in office
  • Attempted to give the children of guest workers the right to compete with our Bermudian children for jobs and opportunities.

“The PLP remains committed to ensuring that Bermudians come first in jobs and opportunities. We understand the importance of protecting, nurturing and retaining Bermudian talent to build a robust and sustainable economy.

“Based on the OBA’s anti-Bermudian approach and record we can understand why they are seemingly advocating on behalf of allowing non-Bermudians to compete for jobs and opportunities that are closed specifically with the intent of protecting jobs for Bermudians.”

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