PLP: ‘Step Towards Universal Health Coverage’

July 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

“Today, the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party is declaring the passage of the Bermuda Health Council Amendment Act 2024 as another step towards universal health coverage for all Bermudians,” the PLP said.

Senator Lindsay Simmons stated, “This amendment is a direct response to the concerns raised by the people of Bermuda. We listened to your feedback and made necessary adjustments to the bill.”

Emphasising the importance of universal health coverage, Sen. Simmons noted, “Too many Bermudians are either uninsured or struggling with the cost of essential medicines. The fight for Universal Health Coverage is crucial for ensuring that all our people have access to the healthcare they need without financial hardship.”

“We recognise that this journey will not be easy, as there are interests that benefit financially from the status quo. However, we cannot allow a Bermuda where one group pockets millions of dollars in profits while our fellow Bermudians are struggling to get the medication they need or relying on fundraisers for essential medical care. The pursuit of universal health coverage is simply the right thing to do.”

“The revised Act enhances data collection for informed policy-making while respecting individual rights, fostering greater trust between healthcare providers and the government,” a spokesperson said.

“The Progressive Labour Party reaffirms its commitment to affordable healthcare for all Bermudians. Through continued dialogue and partnership, we aim to build a system that truly serves our community’s needs.”

“As we move closer to universal health coverage, Bermudians will benefit from a healthcare system that prioritises accessibility and integrates data-driven insights for improved outcomes,” Sen. Simmons added.

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